Ok intriguing feedback on the effect and sound of properly narrowed exht ports.
In supercharged applications the blower overcomes about any deficiencies in the intake side so they get the most pay back from exht side improvements. Longer-higher valve opening, streamlined port into tuned header and 'muffler'. Generally our size-kind engines like 1/8" bigger OD in near stock tune and maybe 1/8" more ID if maxed out 920 road racer. A TC Dragon Slayer on fuel WOT red lined could use an extra 1/4" over the above for 1 3/4", like any good ole chevy V8 hot rod.
Michael Starkey of British Toys in NC, casted inside of Peel's early March/'72 Woverhaven ported CHO head, to report someone had hogged ports open beyond the plain cast some good percent over prior Norton heads he'd done.
It had Deer's 7mm K/W valve-spring-lifter kit installed. I was sorely dissapointed at loss of sportsbike spanking power the pure factory 28 mm standard low CR head gave. I'd just put it on for break in interval to be shocked when time came to try WOT to 7000 and half way to 8000 at times. Michael almost fitted bronze rocker spacers instead of factory spring wiggle type.
So my thinking is Woverhaven 750 Combat head will act similar to 28 mm head, when its on top 920cc, 10.5 CR and boost + water spray kicks in. Milling for the big pistons made the squish rim expand to 1/4-3/8" width, maybe even enough Singh Groove would have their claimed anti-detonation effect.
Marks are failed attempt to place Harley size compression releases. Standing bet $100 no one else can fit releases either.
Peel's 1st exhaust system, 1 1/2" two>one > long Dunstall hollow megaphone with resonator end chamber caped by butt plate with ~2" flaired venturi exit.
Gutted mega+end cap should weigh ~6 lb. Headers/nuts/O2 bung weigh ~7 lb.
13-14 lb total. Factory duals weigh ~20 lb total. More d/ 2nd mounting plates.
There are epoxies that can stand the blast and temps there [~1400'F EGT if lucky- 1375 more common], any failure just blows out onto road way, so sorely tempted to try this. Insights to do on invited.