Ordinary public places like grocery store, with cameras and traffic
congestion enough it'd be pretty obvious a theft in progress.
Also busy street parking often metered.
I'd think riskiest would be break downs on side of high ways
or rest stops you can't hang around for some reason.
Staying at mistress with only apartment parking lot all night long.
Movie parking lots,
Hotel parking lots, especially covered lots, if not parked at main entrance.
I've faced similar in my custom van being left all night at
deserted boat ramps me suck on sand bar waiting on tide.
Alarm 1, ordinary proximity sensor, in soft female voice
in Brit accent politely advises - "Caution I'm armed"
Alarm 2 ordinary motion detector, noise and lights flash.
Alarm 3 - hi freg vibration, glass break, flairs and rockets
fireworks and smoke bombs go off. Terrified girl voice
screaming out PA system "Help Their Taking Me"
Alarm 4 door opened, 50,000 sq ft ware house size tear
gas tripped wired off inside, airs out after a while.
Alarm 5 if started will stall in a few minutes to
block traffic and get cops attention with lights-noise
and cell phone complainers.
Maybe on Peel a explosive bolt that cuts oil hose to spill
out and a stink bomb spray burst that'l wear off in few days.