Had the bike out today for a run and got back, started fretting about that darn rear loop. I already tried bending the tangs on the seat that go under the rosettes, so I figured I can bend the metal without the powder coat flaking off. I bent the dickens out of the seat tangs to get them to line up. So, here's how I proceeded, hobot style.
6 lb. maul, 2x4 blocked from front of frame loop to garage door frame, greasy rag over the place I'm going to whack, and place 2x4 over the rag and give it about 6-8 well placed whacks with the maul. Did it in stages to see if it was working or messing up. First few didn't seem to do much, but as I got to about 8 it seemed to start to move and appeared right. Put the guard back on, and it seems to line up pretty good. I think there is something strange about the guard though, even though it lines up with the frame center tube, there is still a bit of bend. It's visible in real live more than in the picture which looks pretty good.
Anyhow, I thought all youse guys would like this one.