Been meanig to say , on a ' race hack ' was fairly standard to rn a plug in ( brazed ) rear loop , That'd be the 'next size down ',
so disapearing into the bushes backwards , the lighter ' sacrificial ' rear loop takes the impact without bending the chassis .
AND , yours is ' 3/8 in. ' off centre , reading the ruler , 3/8 per side = 3/4 total , but its only half that ' over ' .
The Big Check should be if the front area is ok , a few bits of wood taped / rubber banded on. Vertical , to BUTT a ruler against will get a few accurate measurements to your centerline datum . A bit of Builders String or Fishing line , tied off
tensioned , is moveable and easy to adjust and SIGHT along. Chalk line of a block of wood & spacer , run along the main tube , even if it gives two parrallel lines , you know the C/L is half way bertween / Splits it .
Engineers supplies have Engineers Chalk ( like a Builders Pencil , rectangular X sedtion ) and Injuneers dip it in oil
for marking old rusty steel , to economise on wear . Wont go on anything smooth then though .
AND you really need a STEEL RULER , with the ' zero ' datum , on the end , so it reads from what its butted against .
Bare Frame , Looping String lines from A to Z gets a spider web , standing clear , if all the lines line up , It would appear to
be Straight . Youre :lol: Laughing .
AS FOR SLEDGEHAMMERS , Olde Perry had me hold a Commando fram down while he assulted it with a Large Rubber Sledgehammer . Talk about bricking , thought Id get the Frame in my teeth .
Trade Secret ; You need a Rubber Sledgehammer .
