One does not have to ride aggressively nor dangerous to spread some wear off the center. Don't power up hard unless leaning some and power up to speed mildly while veering in wide arc's across most of a lane. Of course that gets you more noticed by traffic and traffic cops. I zig zag practice on first touching pavement, sane throttle up in 1st leaned one way, then in 2nd the other way, then 3rd etc. After a bit there's a nice sense of just nailing throttle at peak of leans then letting off to maintain speed in the short upright position aimed diagonally then lean and power up more the other way. Just nice kids swing set like swings. As one gets more aggressive/sharper doing this, at some point the chassis winds up and rebounds to kick a tire or both off surface revealing the hinge effect in close quarters so beware. But if economy was the only factor then why in the world would anyone get involved with motorcycles over 250cc.
On my SV650 which wears 150-170 rears, riding DOT tires like normal folks I'd get 4000ish before bald or some cords showing. When I gave up on expensive street tires by finding used race tires $50 @ with mainly the edges melted off some yet meaty centers I got 2000 miles riding like normal folks, ugh, still $100/4000m. So I started my weaving riding and only throttle much on leans and using front brake rather than engine drag for most slowing I get $50/4000 before scary thin to resist THE Gravel cuts. Thinner tires are faster safer tires on pavement. Must watch for police so shouldn't do this in town, even though not dangerous or wild its too attention getting for them to resist.
If able experiment by different tire makes and take notes, then after 20K miles you'll know what you and your bike enjoy the most and then stick with that till a new style appears and old line dropped.