Atlas fork stop? Need help

Hi guys. Does anyone recognize the fork stop in the picture? It's bolted to the front of the frame. It would probably be fairly easy to fabricate, but if I can source it, even better. This is Jeandr's picture and I asked him but he doesn't know where to find them.

Atlas fork stop?  Need help
That appears to be same as fork stop on my Atlas which is bolted on.

If you want to fab one up, I can trace the outline of mine and snail mail or fax it to you.

A couple years ago I made an AutoCad drawing of this plate. complete with dimensions. I sent it out to a couple of people on the old Brit-Iron list and the INOA list. Of course last year my hard drive took a dump and I lost the drawings. If anyone has a copy, I would appreciate having a copy sent to me - and posted on this list.
