Brain fade - I need help

Jun 30, 2012
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Can somebody please help me. I am suffering from brain fade. A few days ago, I went to my mate Steve Oszko's funeral. I cannot for the life of me, remember to whom Steve sold his 500cc Mamx. All I can remember is it was the father of the guy who was Wayne Rainey's main opponent back when Wayne had his accident. The son I'm thinking of has raced a couple of times at Goodwood Revival in recent years. I should be able to remember his name, but I cannot.
Old age is a bitch, Al. Everything you know and everything you've ever experienced is still inside your head. Bringing it up on demand, like getting up from a crouch, it more difficult with time.
I have found my memory often works from association of ideas. I found the name of Wayne Rainey's rival from watching a Youtube video about him. But I have now forgotten again who it was. I watched the Barry Sheene Memorial race at Goodwood Revival on the live stream. Whoever it was, was not there this year, but he was there last year. It was more the bike I was interested in. It was the most developed Manx in Victoria, in the 1960s.
I really love the British for putting their stuff on Youtube. I just wish I could be there to see it, in person. In Australia, we have lost almost everything to do with motorcycles. It has been due to the obsession with money - everything has become corporatised. Motorcycling Australia used to be a union - now it is a profit oriented corporation. When we race our insurance is with a shelf company in the IOM.
You know when you are losing it, you can remember the past and what you did but try to remember what you done yesterday or put things down and after a little time you forgot where you put it and spend 1/2 a day looking for it to be looking right at you, then there is the times your wife tells you things but you forget it as soon as she tells you, no that's not losing it, that's just normal lol, I have a lot of life skills but when learning at school what went in one ear went straight out the other nothing stayed in between but show me how to do something and it stays with me, I love my gardens but try to remember the names of plants and if I write it all down I probably forget where I put the book, remembering names, I am friggin hopeless, have always been like that, but I am good with my hands and have no troubles making things that pop into my head, I am not smart in educational learning but am smart in life skills and using my hands, my old dad was the same he was no good with paper work but put basic tools in his hands and he was so good at what he did he built hard wood houses after the war with basic hand tools no power tools like they use now, not like todays builders, nails and good hammer, a bar of soap, a sharp hand saw and a 3ft folding ruler and of course the old flat woodworking pencil and square, a level and 2 saw horses was about it for them.
But Demetra got him at the end and he went downhill real quick, was sad to see a strong man lose it.

Kevin Schwantz? ( the GP racer)
This guy.

Brain fade - I need help
Glen Campbell could still play a mean guitar, sing, and(mostly) remember the lyrics long after Alzheimer's took most of his memory. Muscle memory is sometimes more permanent than brain memory.
Glen Campbell could still play a mean guitar, sing, and(mostly) remember the lyrics long after Alzheimer's took most of his memory. Muscle memory is sometimes more permanent than brain memory.
And what a voice he had too !