< there are hundreds of ex servicemen living rough with mental health problems. >
Yes agreed and it is certainly shameful , but they are notthere because of either asylum seekers or woke Guardian readers. A tribe incidently to which I donot belong
The shipment of arms seized in 1973 mentioned by you and Bernard was in fact purchased in the USA, though to be quite fair the Feds did move to stop that happening in future. However it was not until Thatcher 'handbagged' Reagan that the flow of funds began to dry up. But I struggle to see what the actions and pressures brought by Irish Americans has to do with 'leftwing apologists'
The so called troubles claimed over 3,000 lives , as you know , but its a very messy narrative .
What struck me about the boxer wasthat the officials concerned did not take advantage of one of great vrtues of Englishness. Our common law system is based on a case by case basis, and administration is surely an extension of that . Unless rules clearly prescribe , powers are still reserved for officials to look at a case on its merits . This they evidentlyfailed to do and it seems in contradiction to positive values of our culture and government
Our culture is a complex thing and certainly not the property of either 'left' or 'right'
How for instance could a historian like EP Thompson not be thought to be 'Britsh'
In his pages runs not the arid sophistication of Marx , but Cobbet , Haslet and beyond to the moral sensibilities of Milton and earlier Puritans.
Stay calm be British
regards Mike