Ashamed to be British?

the people that finance the murders are equally culpable. no mention of ira finance. wonder why?
I wonder what ever happened to Colonel Gaddafi (who allegedly supplied tons of arms to the IRA, ref the 5 tons of modern arms on a boat intercepted in 1973)
and all the other Roman Catholics who put money in the IRAs collection boxes, no doubt they all would have been up in arms if the boot was on the other foot! Oops silly me, the Americans did take up arms against the British.
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I wonder what ever happened to Colonel Gaddafi and all the other Roman Catholics who put money in the IRAs collection boxes, no doubt they all would have been up in arms if the boot was on the other foot! Oops silly me, the Americans did take up arms against the British.
not sure gaddafi was ever a roman catholic , but your point is valid. most people close thier eyes and refuse to acknowledge it. left wing apologists
not sure gaddafi was ever a roman catholic , but your point is valid. most people close thier eyes and refuse to acknowledge it. left wing apologists
Actually the USA supported the IRA right through the 1970s but then you wouldnt want a little historical detail toget in the way of one of your rants
you have asylum seekers living in hotels, and british nationals. many of whom are ex servicemen living in streets... left wing apoligists make me sick

kelvin fawsaz was not asylum seeker ,but a trafficked individual seeking leave to remain. Trafficked females are almost automatically giventhis status. Perhaps yu think the hard bitten characters from the world of boxing who supported his applications throughout are also woke Guardian readers. Perhaps you should have tried reading the link before emoting
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This brings to mind a quote I remember from school (wow.... Listen to me... I guess some it it actually did rub off), not sure who originally said it but it goes like this: it's better that a hundred guity go free than one innocent be incarcerated or hanged. Seems kinda crazy until you think of yourself being the one innocent one, and without the resources to defend yourself adequately.

It seems less crazy if your sister is gang raped by some repeat offenders who the justice system decided to release because of jail overcrowding. That quote really can be seen in a different light based on a person's experience.
Just to throw something different into the mix, here in NSW Australia there is legislated different sentences for criminals depending on who you murder. If it is a police officer or a member of parliament, then the sentence must be heavier. So much for that old principle equal justice for all. No race colour or creed, just police and politicians are clearly better than the rest of us and as a victim they deserve a greater justice?

As for capital punishment sometimes I think yes but I am also a believer in guilty beyond reasonable doubt. But what is reasonable doubt. One of our most publicised murder trials was that of Lindy Chamberlain for the killing of her baby daughter near Ayers Rock/Uluru. Lindy and Husband claimed a dingo ran off with her baby. Great media frenzy and speculation. Ritual killing because she was a seventh day Adventist. In court a scientist claimed it was impossible for a dingo to pick up a baby let alone run off with it. Some years later disproven. Police forensic evidence (prior to dna) claimed foetal blood found in the family car. Years later it was determined that the so called foetal blood as determined by forensic experts was in fact the paint primer. Subsequently Lindy was cleared and pardoned when a tourist found the jump suit that the baby had worn in the bush not far from the scene of the incident. Forensic evidence this time found dingo dna on the jump suit along with dna from the baby. Lindy had spent many years in jail, been the victim of an intense media campaign, and had become bitter. Her marriage was over, her husbands and remaining childs life ruined. Clearly the evidence presented as well as the media hype had convinced a jury beyond reasonable doubt. Something to really consider if required to serve on a jury. What if she had received the death penalty.

And the last death penalty in Victoria Australia, although the offender was probably guilty, was due to political pressure.

kelvin fawsaz was not asylum seeker ,but a trafficked individual seeking leave to remain. Trafficked females are almost automatically giventhis status. Perhaps yu think the hard bitten characters from the world of boxing who supported his applications throughout are also woke Guardian readers. Perhaps you should have tried reading the link before emoting
so he weren't happy he was trafficked. but once here wanted to stay!!!
don't want an argument with you mike. we have differing opinions clearly. I remember the i.r.a. bombing the paras in Aldershot. i lived 3 miles from there. i heard the blast in my classroom in my last year at school. i'm fully aware of where most of thier funding came from and where they trained and bought their munitions.
I too remember having bags searched by armed soldiers in London.. They even looked in my flask! And being close to the garrison town of Colchester you were always aware it was a high risk area...
< there are hundreds of ex servicemen living rough with mental health problems. >

Yes agreed and it is certainly shameful , but they are notthere because of either asylum seekers or woke Guardian readers. A tribe incidently to which I donot belong

The shipment of arms seized in 1973 mentioned by you and Bernard was in fact purchased in the USA, though to be quite fair the Feds did move to stop that happening in future. However it was not until Thatcher 'handbagged' Reagan that the flow of funds began to dry up. But I struggle to see what the actions and pressures brought by Irish Americans has to do with 'leftwing apologists'

The so called troubles claimed over 3,000 lives , as you know , but its a very messy narrative .

What struck me about the boxer wasthat the officials concerned did not take advantage of one of great vrtues of Englishness. Our common law system is based on a case by case basis, and administration is surely an extension of that . Unless rules clearly prescribe , powers are still reserved for officials to look at a case on its merits . This they evidentlyfailed to do and it seems in contradiction to positive values of our culture and government

Our culture is a complex thing and certainly not the property of either 'left' or 'right'
How for instance could a historian like EP Thompson not be thought to be 'Britsh'
In his pages runs not the arid sophistication of Marx , but Cobbet , Haslet and beyond to the moral sensibilities of Milton and earlier Puritans.

Stay calm be British

regards Mike
never gonna argue with that narrative. if you didn't google that. you are getting into the intellect of christopher hitchens. probably the only man i would listen to with open mouth in astonishment of his knowledge