anybody using wassel carbs what do you think?

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There was a recent similar thread on here. A few owners reported good results with the Wassell Evolution carbs. All components can interchange with Premiers. Fitment the same. Only differences are the surface finish is darker (which may be an advantage at hiding fuel dirt stains) and of course the significantly lower price point.
Here's the other thread:
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Seeing as how Burlen have gone to the trouble of making most of the obsolete Amal range available again, and at a reasonable price, surely the least you can do is to use their products. These Wassel carbs are a rip off & will just keep the Taiwanese in business.
I for one am fed up of hearing people moan about all the manufacturing jobs having gone abroad, when it's the same people who will always buy the cheapest. If a product is made in your contry & is of a reasonable quality & price why the hell would you buy something from the far east. On the other hand if the parts are badly made & over priced only then does it make sense. If we fail to support companies like Burlen don't moan when they are no longer there.
Rant over.

Ive bought four sets of Premiers. I do feel a bit lame for paying the extra money but I like to buy stuff from home.
Will be the first to admit that in the modern world price is the first consideration for most.
My choice is buying at a price point. I have several vintage bikes. All need something, especially when racing them. The Wassels are on my Triumph and Norton. They work well and accept Amal parts which I also use.
[QUOTEMD"Matchless, poste: 440031, membre: 2817"] Voyant comment Burlen ont pris la peine de faire la plupart de la gamme obsolète Amal disponible à nouveau, et à un prix raisonnable, sûrement le moins que vous pouvez faire est d'utiliser leurs produits. Ces glucides Wassel sont une arnaque et va juste garder les Taïwanais en affaires.
Pour ma part, j'en ai marre d'entendre les gens gémir sur tous les emplois de fabrication étant allés à l'étranger, quand ce sont les mêmes personnes qui vont toujours acheter le moins cher. Si un produit est fait dans votre contry et est d'une qualité raisonnable et le prix pourquoi diable voudriez-vous acheter quelque chose de l'Extrême-Orient. D'autre part, si les pièces sont mal faites et surprix que ce n'est alors que cela a un sens. Si nous ne soutenons pas des entreprises comme Burlen ne gémir pas quand ils ne sont plus là.
Rant plus.

Martyn. [/QUOTE]

MORE 1;)
Seeing as how Burlen have gone to the trouble of making most of the obsolete Amal range available again, and at a reasonable price, surely the least you can do is to use their products. These Wassel carbs are a rip off & will just keep the Taiwanese in business.
I for one am fed up of hearing people moan about all the manufacturing jobs having gone abroad, when it's the same people who will always buy the cheapest. If a product is made in your contry & is of a reasonable quality & price why the hell would you buy something from the far east. On the other hand if the parts are badly made & over priced only then does it make sense. If we fail to support companies like Burlen don't moan when they are no longer there.
Rant over.


All of the above plus, if we want companies to do the development work to improve their products , like the Premiers, then buying the Far East rip offs isn't going to help. R&D is expensive but results in better products to keep our P&Js running nicely.

It's not the country they come from, it's the ethos of the company making them. I'll gladly buy UK, US, European, Chinese or Taiwanese as long as they do the full service not just copy others with the lowest cost materials.
I always kind of figured Canada being in the Commonwealth would have an advantage on price and such when buying from England and visa versa. I mean that's what it's all about right?
Not trying to stir up anything but the same should be with Aus & NZ. There is more than just support when there's a war or other catastrophe.... Tit for tat on financial dealings should enter somewhere. Forgive me because I'm just an American and we screw everyone everywhere anytime all of the time.
I always kind of figured Canada being in the Commonwealth would have an advantage on price and such when buying from England and visa versa. I mean that's what it's all about right?
Not trying to stir up anything but the same should be with Aus & NZ. There is more than just support when there's a war or other catastrophe.... Tit for tat on financial dealings should enter somewhere. Forgive me because I'm just an American and we screw everyone everywhere anytime all of the time.

Economies of scale. US is our largest trading partner, full stop, so negotiating deals with the EU has been challenging as a result.
Keep forgetting that EU thing over there. No further comments on that situation.
The One World thing makes sense in terms of Free Trade but problem is the thumb on the scale routine.
Patents dont count for squat in some places on the globe. R&D costs money and today you can just
obtain a sample and then scan it. CAD and CNC finish the deal. As soon as you have a good item somebody
will make off with your intellectual property.
Life in the Modern Post Industrial World as the academics would say.
I do find it interesting that folk often criticise the old Brit bike industry for being ‘run by bean counters’ and yet often those same folk will scrimp and scrape and bend over backwards to find a slightly cheaper source of a part rather than buy from those suppliers with a proven reputation and / or trying to do the right thing.

Often at old bike meets I hear folk proudly proclaiming how they saved a few quid with their Mickey Mouse knock off parts and how it is “ok considering the price” ... which, of course, usually translates to “it’s actually a bit shit but I’m too tight to care”.

I know that most of us don’t have money to pour down the drain, but we really have never had it so good with regards to parts quality, availability and choice. If we don’t support the good guys we will be left with no choice but the cheap Mickey Mouse shite... except it then won’t be cheap any more!

Then it’ll be just like the good (i.e. bad) old days!
The Wassell carburettor was developed for a single reason Burlen cut distributor margins back to 10% off retail as at that point they had no competition for OEM replacement carburettors
Wassell Burlens largest customer at the time said enough is enough to Burlen and invested in thier own tooling once they introducd the Wassell carb Burlen quickly ammended thier dealer and Distributor terms to try retain thier business as Distributors were now using the Wassell unit price as leverage and Burlen were loosing sales rapidly

so lets put it this way if the Wassell carb had not arrived Premiers would now be £200 plus , if Burlen had continued to supply the trade at a price where everyone could make a margin
the Wassell carb would not exist and Wassell would still be selling Amal products as they did happily for 50 years or more before Burlen took over and basically squeezed distributors and dealers margins

As a result there is now a void in Burlens range no complete pre monoblocs / no Gp / No mk1.5 carbs available for sale and very sparadic delivery of MK1 range due to lack of re investment in the brand

Burlen have shot themselves in the foot and killed thier own cash cow and not been ripped off by Wassell who were only protecting thier own market share and saw no future with Burlen as a supplier

competition is good it helps keep rouge suppliers like Burlen honest
Re Page 19, a clear case of accountants taking over the company profits policy, and then they end up killing the trade. . . . . . They really cannot see further than the end of their nose. . . . .
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