I'll leave you to use the hairsprayIn the movies they use hair spray to stop glare on car finishes . Try on gage lenses. Nothing to loose will wash off with water
Maybe for Lasik, I don't know. I just know you can't see the wet when riding is not so good.Interesting, I just had Lasik done and they made a BIG deal out of always wearing Polarized sun Glasses.
Wife recently read that one should not ski with Polraized lenses also. So confusing....
Yikes. At my age I voluntarily relax and talk with Police because they seem interested in the bike a lot. Not my driving behaviour..
In the UK they can get you from a Km away or even more on a clear day, by the time you see them its too late. At least on a motorcycle they have to wait until you go past them or no number plate in the picture.The pic was from behind so who knows, it might have been hidden behind an over bridge.