what starting problems?
I am somewhat mystified about these numerous posts regarding difficulties starting a Norton.
How hard can it be to start up an internal combustion engine? That's what these things were built for - running.
I have had many Brit bikes over the years - current one is a Commando, and starting it is no more challenging than starting my lawn mower, car, etc.
But for some people - there seems to be almost a witchcraft-like approach and many mysterious techniques involved to what is for me a very simple process that I just take for granted, as I do with my car.
The car: Turn key - engine starts.
The Commando: Turn key, push button - engine starts.
What's this about "1st kick" "2nd kick" etc. Why do people kick their bikes? I respect mine, and certainly wouldn't kick it.
And all these comments about care and nurturing of Amal carbs... what's an Amal carb? I have a single Mikuni on my bike, and haven't even looked at it since putting it there several thousand miles ago.
It would no more occur to me to tinker with the carb on the Commando than it would on my Toyota or my VW. (which actually have injectors these days).
Maybe, just maybe...... some people like the added complications of tinkering with their carbs, timing, plugs, etc. as part of the whole experience of being "one with the bike?"
Zen and the Art of Starting a Commando..... maybe somebody could put together a compendium of the various Zen techniques. It could turn into a best seller, a movie even.
Better still, issue a Commando to each and every Al Queada terrorist. That would slow them down. They'd burn up all their energy and rage just trying to get the thing started, and would get so involved in the process that they would forget their anger and the rest of the world and abandon their jihad.
The suicide bombers would never make it to their targets. Hell, they'd never even leave home.
Here's to electric start and non-Amals for all (except the bad guys of course).