Amal Float Needle Seat Chamfer?

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Jul 2, 2012
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I have been chasing an Amal overflow problem for weeks, and today on 6x inspection of the float needle seat, I see an uneven chamfer where the Viton tip seats. Is there supposed to be a chamfer there at all or is it better as a right angle entry? If it is to be chamfered can anyone recommend a drill bit size or other tool to redress the seat. I have a pretty complete machine shop, so I will have most anything required available.
Nevermind, I didn't get any answers so I tackled it myself. I machined the chamfer off and made a sharp sealing edge. I set up a "DogT" static head test and set the float level as recommended. Put carb back on bike and test rode ok.
I hope this helps someone else sometime. Check that brass seat with a strong magnifying glass.
jaydee75 said:
...I see an uneven chamfer where the Viton tip seats.

Guess what; so do mine! Thus, the time-honored ritual of closing the petcocks every time the engine is shut off. That, or go to a Mikuni... (here we go again!).

Yeah, I had one that was a right angle seal on the seat and someone had taken a drill to the other one (that leaked.. probably me a long time ago) but I chamfered the leaky one and it worked, but I wouldn't trust them to hold a tank of fuel.

Yes you have to put the magnifier on the seat to check it.
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