When I put my '75 together with the Sparx the rotor fit on the crank, and, separately the sleeved nut would thread down on the crank completely; additionally the sleeved nut would drop into the rotor, when it was off the crank. During assembly the sleeved nut would NOT tighten, but would bind about 1/2 way to its goal. I measured everything and found that the Sparx rotor's bore was done at a very slight angle. I was able to solve this problem with lapping compound. In reading more recent posts it is apparent that the Chinese manufacturer took many liberties with the spec, and that the US importer let this pass. I'd love to know who is importing the Sparx so that I could speak with them (please pass this on and I'll get right on it, if you know).---I have a Skype phone so it costs me peanuts to call anyplace on earth.
I purchased another Sparx for my '72 Fastback build (do I have a choice if I want more watts?) and already I see a problem, the key way in the rotor is not deep enough to acomodate the stock key height. I will solve this problem by fitting the key or by deepening the key way...a lot like fitting Andover Norton OE (?) parts :roll:
In fairness to the opium den manufacturers and the designers the system, once fitted, works very well.
SwooshDave be prepare to suffer for your choice of 3 phase power, but be advised that your choice is, ultimately, a good one.