After market fork lock issues

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Sep 15, 2014
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I have over the last 2 years purchased 3 of what I think are Emgo fork locks. They are tight going into the hole in the fork crown but when I try to operate them the only turn a 1/4 of the way and stop. I think the housing compresses and pinches the pin in the track. I have tried to remove the pin to allow me to clean up the track but I have had no success. Only 1 of the locks has worked and I had to relieve the hole a bit to get it to do that before trying to install the new lock.
Any idea on how to salvage the others?

John in Texas
I have over the last 2 years purchased 3 of what I think are Emgo fork locks. They are tight going into the hole in the fork crown but when I try to operate them the only turn a 1/4 of the way and stop. I think the housing compresses and pinches the pin in the track. I have tried to remove the pin to allow me to clean up the track but I have had no success. Only 1 of the locks has worked and I had to relieve the hole a bit to get it to do that before trying to install the new lock.
Any idea on how to salvage the others?
John in Texas

I've never had the problem, but I always checked to see if the pin is sticking outside the lock and if so, I file it down flush with the lock before installing. On Norton unlike others, the lock is just a press fit so you're probably right about what's causing the problem. I assume you tried the locks before installing them and they worked.

If the lock doesn't work once you've removed it, I suspect that it's now trash.
Yes, they are pretty much trash. The locks worked OK when I got them but not after the install. I have a feeling that the pot metal housing collapses just a but during the install and binds it up.

John in Texas
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