Thought I’d hijack this thread for another exhaust question if I may good sirs.
But first, in the interest of full disclosure and despite my ardent advocacy for long pipes, I have purchased a set of shorts from a forum member. Turncoat, judas I hear you say!! Guilty as charged M’lud!
I fitted them yesterday and am yet to ride. The bike started no problem as always, initially revving slightly higher than normal (1800 rpm) but immediately settling to 1400 rpm and then dropping to tickover at 1200 rpm, as it would do normally - tickover stable. The open pipe map is already fitted from when my longs were opened up. They sound very similar if a little louder and throatier which I like - tick! I have to admit that they look more purposeful, especially on the Cafe Racer - tick! They look more even when viewed from the rear as opposed to my longs which looked a bit like a pissed preying mantis - tick! The jury is out though, until I ride it and try and get used to the new look.
My question is a bit of a newby one I’m afraid. The exhaust clamped up easily enough and is sufficiently secure without being over-tight. I am however getting exhaust gasses emitting from each of the clamping slots on both cans. I didn’t notice whether clamping slots on mid-pipe and end-can were aligned. The shorts also don’t mount as far on to the mid-pipes as the longs did, as can be seen by the witness marks. Is this minor exhaust gas leakage normal for exhausts configured with mounting slots on both male and female exhaust junction ends?
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