6203TB bearing

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Jan 30, 2009
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I've finally had time to chase down a few bearing houses locally.
They can get me the FAG brand 6203TB deep grooved ball bearing in stainless or brass caged for around $62.00 USD.
Which is preferred stainless or brass caged? Will 1 hold up better than the other?
The Polymide caged bearing ie... the Mick special bearing is the $206.00 bearing and its nylon cage is weakened
when exposed to EP oils per bearing engineer.
FAG website also expresses this too. We use EP in our gear box if I am correct? I use 85/90 wt castrol HD gear oil.
The bearing enginner went on to say it is a nylon cage not polymide and subject to damages if reheated.
So its a 1 and done if you have to remove it later you may end up replacing it again at $206.00 Argh!!!
If I use the 6203TB do I order it with brass or stainless cages? I've seen some debate here about EP oil
being a possible reason for brass bush failure thus the question regarding the cages.
Also will I need to keep an ear out for ball bearing failure in the future if I go the ball bearing route or was it a
faulty Portugese bearing from a particular batch that has caused past problems and premature failure?
I'd like to select the ball bearing and hopefully be done with the gear box updates.
Sorry if I beat this bearing topic up but I feel if I don't ask before it'll be a little late to ask afterwards.
Thanks for bearing with me :?
Bearing with you LOL, The newer synthetic oils (Redline, Amsoil) do not attack the bushings the way some of the GL-5 did. But if I am correct the problem with the ball bearings was the cages were coming apart on the Portuguese ones, So the newer bearings should be fine. I am sure someone else will help out here but I have used the rollers in two different boxes and they have had no problems so far. Chuck.
The tb suffix indicates it is resin cage, so if you are getting a brass or steel cage it wont be a 6203tb
Hi Marshal,
I gotta ask, why are you pursuing the deep groove type ball bearing, I thought the roller bearing was the layshaft bearing of choice?

geo46er said:
I thought the roller bearing was the layshaft bearing of choice?

Not according to Mick Hemmings.

I suggest you use the forum search facility to find instances of "6203TB" for further information?
MarshalNorton said:
the Mick special bearing is the $206.00

As I believe I have mentioned before, if you get the bearing from Mick, then it shouldn't cost anywhere near that much!
I've decided to go w/ the plug and play ball bearing as I am not familar w/ dial indicators and end shaft play
I know I can replace a bearing in my garage w/ limited tools if it is a swap out.
I guess I read it wrong, TB is a resign cage? Ok is this the special bearing or are we talking the Polymide w/ bearing suffix p63?
I'm looking for something to work and last.
I'm glad others have replaced the ball w/ ball and have not had failures that is a relief.
I guess I need further clarification on the ball bearing thing? I looked on Micks site and I have to call from USA
no on line ordering so I opted to try to find a similar bearing domestically.
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