2MC Capacitor

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Aug 5, 2017
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Hi. I read this can be removed on the 850..... is this like wise on the 750??

The blue can is merely like a extra fast charge/discharge 12v battery in line with regular battery and only meant to help start on low or no battery with points ignition system. It ok and not bad idea to retain it for looks/tradition as adds a bit of voltage reserves/smoothing when ignition triggers, if battery on low side and charger working well. More terminals to check if tracing electrical mysteries though.
If you have a bad battery there's a good chance the 2MC won't help you because the battery will drag the voltage down. With no battery you should be able to start and run the bike with the 2MC fitted. This is probably only going to work if you have retained the points ignition though. Won't be enough power just kicking the bike over to power electronic ignition with no battery.
If you have a good 2mc fitted and the fuse blows and the issue is not the ignition the bike will continue to run, if you have points and pull the fuse if your battery is bad then a hard kick or a bump start will get you home. With EI it really needs a bump start, having had a high resistance battery that showed good volts but gave out no amps and the 2mc got me home so I always fit a modern equivalent.
Takes about 10 mph to reliably push points in 2nd to start but takes full running speed to get alternator volts over 10.5 to fire analog Boyer w/o a battery. Must keep rpms bliping over 2000 at stops not to stall out. A number of time I've had PU drivers let me hang on to about 25 mph then release to start and zoom ahead of them, sort of like X-15 dropped off wind of B52, slight hesitation till G's hit. May not be able to push start even down hill if gritty or wet surface. Supercapasitors coming online that will replace batteries. Big capacitors are a trick to get more bump out of audio 12 v amps when connected by 1/2" thick power cables.
When I first got my Norton in 72, the battery was a piece of ***, but the bike would start and run just fine with the MC2. I did that for years, but after a while the rotor prolly lost some magnetism and then it required a battery to start and run. I understand the rotor can be re-magnetized, but that's prolly a lost art now. Certainly won't run a Pazon.
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