2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic

Apr 15, 2009
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I had nearly forgotten about this show. It seems like it was earlier in August than usual. But that's why I was rushing to get the belt drive sorted. And if I hadn't gotten it sorted I would have ridden the Guzzi. Turns out another Guzzi just like mine (but nicer) showed up. Anyways, spot your favorite bike here? Some nice ones to pick from.

2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
2023 Oregon Vintage Motorcyclists Oak Park Picnic
I really liked the pic you had of your bike with the Hemp fields in the background. Please take more of them. All we have around here is corn and soy beans.
Dave, unfortunately in the Peoples Republic of New Germany aka New Jersey "The Garden State". At least it's Southern New Jersey. I know they grow a lot of CBD hemp in Oregon. That must smell great riding past those fields.
Dave, unfortunately in the Peoples Republic of New Germany aka New Jersey "The Garden State". At least it's Southern New Jersey. I know they grow a lot of CBD hemp in Oregon. That must smell great riding past those fields.
Contrary to popular belief they don’t smell at all like what you think.

And when I think of New Jersey I don’t think about soy and corn. I thought you were going to say Nebraska or Iowa.