If you ask anyone from Rangitoto Colledge in 68 / 70 what caveman Doulton rode , Theyll tell ya . - Silver Fastback - orange seat . Black & red NORTON Badges .
Talkedto him after hed sold it with 43000 miles on it . TROUBLE FREE . Had been sitting under his house for a few years after the children materialised .
He Had the Green Badges in the draw with the papers , wasnt sure if they went with the bike . Was the Geology Teacher in Form Four , and had a 55 Chev then .
Unlees ive his name wrong . But lived in eyesight across the valley from the boat shed , Id seen it new , yarned to him on occasion , and listened from the shed to it climb out of the valley
when he first got it - Throttle ON in the Corners . Wasnt much traffic ( or Baffles

) in those days . Nother time it was on up the straights , which was dissapointing . :lol:
If at the shed Friday after school , youd hear him leaveing for the coast . Later the bird was a steady thing , told me i hadnt heard it as he left for there straight from the school now .
Was impressed some older type ( 20 ! ) would stop & have a yaK WITH A 10 YEAR OLD KID . aND IT HAD THE SILVER FRAME . remember the grubby seat & pealing Paint , where the oil leaks stopped it rusting

( just minor weeeps ) and the cable ties chaffed , Was mainly off from the boot around the sidestand area & primary keeping it damp so it wouldnt rust as we were on the coast .
Wasnt related , but one of his students traded his kwacker 500 for black Combat Roadster & was up there . Learning Maintanance . Looked across ((( the Valley ) as it pulled into the side road just up the hill
and he gave it grief and took of along there near vertical . Could hear that quite clearly too . though neither needed the throttle for long to maintain pace .
Doulton was a respected popular teacher , as were Nortons there . All this was ancient local History . Long Forgoten . but snatched recolections , the wheelie & the seat were periodically their .
Colemans at whanganui , if there records exist , would qualify it . It was the Show Bike from England , flown out for the Auckland Motor Show . according to the local grapevine . Was Big News
amoungst the 10 to 12 year olds , and the local housewives - at the ' hopper Valley P.T.A. ' :shock: Hence his romanceing in far off places - all the local gasbags wouldve been at him if he'd
dated the young lady locally . :lol: :lol: 8)
It was parked in the school carpark regularly , along with a L.H.D. Mercury Cougar , dark metalic geen with tan vynl roof . Which superceeded it gossip wise till the metal work teacher got a meatalic pink G M Torana XU1 . Not that that made a grumpy old 50 year old cool , He'd got it cheaper as it was a peculiar colour , so that matched his disposition . Sir !
