"Don't get too carried away Steve, no supercharger....."
And therein lies a story.
It was originally designed to have a supercharger. But post WW11 the rules were changed and the engine need to be redesigned mid stream.
And the story goes on that the engine never really delivered its full potential because the fundamental design was not carried right through.
AJS never did themselves many favours. They insisted on their own rear shocks. No streamlining and cut corners wheever they could. My father and uncle were friends of Rod Coleman, a NZer who was the no 1 AJS rider at this time - early 50s- and he was not terriably complementary about much of the goings on. But he was very impressed with the work of Jack Williams, who came into the team around 1953 as the chief engineer. Williams developed the 7R to its peak. He was the father of Peter Williams