Trump seems to be doing well so far...

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Danno said:
When he puts the US in the same shape as he did his businesses, who's going to bail us out?

The Chinese. Or the Saudis.
Same as last time, and the time before that, and before that.
(Who do you think that $20+ trillion of national debt is owed to ?)
Or even the Germans.

Only it might be a buyout rather than a bailout,
although that might be splitting hairs.
Thats Capitalism for ya....
Would it be really beneficial to have America led by somebody who specialises in exploiting loopholes in the law ? Perhaps it might be better to have aims which improves the ways in which the laws work, rather than taking a more negative approach and considering laws to be an impost ? Whenever I see Trump on TV, he looks as though his brain is squirming with the effort of being there and doing the mental gymnastics.
In contrast, most other Presidents did not seem to suffer the same level of mental anguish - 'Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive' ?
Soon the smoke will be coming out of Trump's ears.
acotrel said:
Did Trump leave Saudi Arabia off his list ? He must know which side his bread is buttered on.

Already have mentioned that in an earlier thread :!:

Re: Trump seems to be doing well so far...
Postby Bernhard » Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:51 am
Well how about this, the exclusive order on Muslim immigrants was ah hum well thought out as it temporary banded people like the Olympic gold medal winner Sir Mo Farah (Born in Somalia) but holds a duel USA & UK passport- even more stupid there is no ban on any Saudis which means that until he was USAs most wanted man a certain person from Saudi Arabia called Osama bin Laden would NOT be banned :!:
Food for thought in Trump's brain -that is if he has one :!:
acotrel said:
Would it be really beneficial to have America led by somebody who specialises in exploiting loopholes in the law ? Perhaps it might be better to have aims which improves the ways in which the laws work, rather than taking a more negative approach and considering laws to be an impost ? Whenever I see Trump on TV, he looks as though his brain is squirming with the effort of being there and doing the mental gymnastics.
In contrast, most other Presidents did not seem to suffer the same level of mental anguish - 'Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive' ?
Soon the smoke will be coming out of Trump's ears.

If all his hairs fall out he can always go to Madame Tussauds and ask if they have any of the 25, 000 yak hairs they used to make a life size replica of him :!: :shock: ... n-Day.html
Only 24 days after his Inauguration Day Trump has lost his first person he appointed as his Security Adviser Michael Flynn who decided to go before he was pushed over his Russian links were exposed. The strangest thig is that Trump knew about Flynn’s weeks before he appointed him (his conversations were bugged by the FBI.)
To quote the president, “ what the hell is going on :?: "
Bernhard said:
Only 24 days after his Inauguration Day"

On the noos this morn it quoted Mr Trump as saying
"the new administration is running like a well tuned machine".
xbacksideslider said:
Deep State Counterattack -

It has been mentioned that Mr Flynn was dismissed from a (similar ?) position under Mr Obama's administration.
The word 'insubordination' was mentioned.

If you don't get past the spook test, you don't pass.....
Bernhard said:
Anybody know what he really means :?:
I'm not convinced that he knows what he really means at times. What did they used to call that incomprehensible song writing - stream of consciousness??
He is doing a good job of keeping journo's busy, not so many "cat stuck down drain" items on our main TV news these days. :D
The national media, here in the U.S., has been, and remains, the domain of the Left.

So it has been ever since Franklin Delano Roosevelt "packed" the Federal Communications Commission in the 1930s. At that time radio was the place where the innovation, growth, excitement and money was at. It was the growth industry of the '30s and the big newspapers and publishing houses all owned radio stations. FDR yanked FCC licenses from yokels and enemies and handed them out to his Democrat friends - NBC and CBS were his particular favorites. Newspapers took the hint and their owners kept and got more FCC licenses. Lyndon Johnson, as a congressman from Texas, got rich on radio stations/licenses handed to him by FDR's flunkies at the FCC. Ideological nepotism persists in network newsrooms and journalism schools to this day.
Winston Churchill is said to have commented
"Leaders complaining about the press is like sailors complaining about the sea".

The problem is that those press have a brain.

And, it would seem, a very good sense of being able to sniff out shonky stuff.
The more shonk, the more they sniff....
xbacksideslider said:
The national media, here in the U.S., has been, and remains, the domain of the Left.

So it has been ever since Franklin Delano Roosevelt "packed" the Federal Communications Commission in the 1930s. At that time radio was the place where the innovation, growth, excitement and money was at. It was the growth industry of the '30s and the big newspapers and publishing houses all owned radio stations. FDR yanked FCC licenses from yokels and enemies and handed them out to his Democrat friends - NBC and CBS were his particular favorites. Newspapers took the hint and their owners kept and got more FCC licenses. Lyndon Johnson, as a congressman from Texas, got rich on radio stations/licenses handed to him by FDR's flunkies at the FCC. Ideological nepotism persists in network newsrooms and journalism schools to this day.

And that's exactly why during this last presidential campaign the media covered Trump night and day and essentially ignored socialist Sanders?
'The national media, here in the U.S., has been, and remains, the domain of the Left. '

Rupert Murdoch is left-wing ? - I don't think so !
xbacksideslider said:
The national media, here in the U.S., has been, and remains, the domain of the Left.

So it has been ever since Franklin Delano Roosevelt "packed" the Federal Communications Commission in the 1930s. At that time radio was the place where the innovation, growth, excitement and money was at. It was the growth industry of the '30s and the big newspapers and publishing houses all owned radio stations. FDR yanked FCC licenses from yokels and enemies and handed them out to his Democrat friends - NBC and CBS were his particular favorites. Newspapers took the hint and their owners kept and got more FCC licenses. Lyndon Johnson, as a congressman from Texas, got rich on radio stations/licenses handed to him by FDR's flunkies at the FCC. Ideological nepotism persists in network newsrooms and journalism schools to this day.

It's very easy, as The Donald has demonstrated, to downgrade anything you don't agree with and then put a dismissive label on it to pigeonhole it and forget about one thing that has no side of politics: THE TRUTH.

So let's examine truth in media for a moment. Faux Noize was created to purposely spin any small grain of truth wildly out of control to the right, so all the dolts looking on at home who are not satisfied with normal media can nod and agree with what they already think, regardless of veracity. The truth has taken a backseat to sensationalist hogwash that excites the masses and gets them posting more hogwash on social media because they're not smart enough to think for themselves and delineate the actual truth hidden in the bullshit.

So along comes candidate Trump, spouting ridiculous slander about his opponents and ignoring factual truth in favor os crass sensationalism. Did he steal this tactic from the media, which can say nearly everything askew of actual reality in the name of selling commercial time? Sticking with the girl he came with, President Trump continues to puke lies, half truths, and self-aggrandizement and his idiot minions and followers ring like tuning forks. How often does a lie require repeating until it becomes accepted as truth? Not very often, evidently. Please post a link from one of your political bloggers that refutes this. I'm sure it's already been printed.
Perhaps this says it all

Trump seems to be doing well so far...
Danno -

In addition to charging too much, cartels and monopolies miss market segments.
Eighty years later, the licenses granted to the Left by FDR's packed FCC remain in the hands of the Left.
The rise of cable TV broke that ideological oligopoly because FCC does not license cable.
Real competition - of political content - entered the scene. No longer one sided.
That is why Fox is successful. Fox feeds a demand that the leftists of the MSM starved for seven decades.

That's also why Trump won. Neither Republicans or Democrats were serving the interests of "flyover country," especially the blue collar "rust belt." That's why so many union blue collar voters went for Trump. Further, Blacks in the "rust belt" states stayed home, refused to vote for Clinton.
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