961 shut off after 20 seconds won't restart

mean gene

Dec 21, 2020
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So my 2016 961 with 500 miles started and shut off after 20 seconds of running, this was a cold start up. I have changed to the Bosch ignition no other changes. Turns over when clutch is pulled in and side stand up. But does not make an attempt to fire. Returned a couple hours no change. Just looking for a place to start, I really struggle with electronics. I read if you disconnect battery it may reset, but that doesn't cure the problem.
So my 2016 961 with 500 miles started and shut off after 20 seconds of running, this was a cold start up. I have changed to the Bosch ignition no other changes. Turns over when clutch is pulled in and side stand up. But does not make an attempt to fire. Returned a couple hours no change. Just looking for a place to start, I really struggle with electronics. I read if you disconnect battery it may reset, but that doesn't cure the problem.
Check micro switch under clutch lever is fully engaging , the small attached lever can get twisted when u store bicycles/other motorbikes too close to handle bar , happened to me
First , tell us if you have done any service to it , recently . Like the coil pack , and chance a connector loose ? Also , is this a MK2 with OMEX 2016 ? Euro 3 with OMEX .
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If memory serves , The clutch switch bad would cause no crank over , but a side stand switch will cause no fire . You can crank it over but it wont start . Jumper out the side stand switch behind primary cover back close to where your left foot peg. Some one can correct me but clutch switch no crank , side stand , will crank over but not start. Then there is the tip over sensor which will cause crank over but no starting .
thanks tony where is tip over switch? I'll jump out side stand switch or at least ck it. It cranks over but won't fire!!!
To link out the side stand switch. The connector plug is by swinging arm , link out outer pins coming from the loom ( had faulty one of them to ) but would stall when u flipped side stand up , gotta be a laid back chilled sought of guy to run these bikes
thanks tony where is tip over switch? I'll jump out side stand switch or at least ck it. It cranks over but won't fire!!!
If you go to the Rebuilds section, 961 Birthday thread the second photo in the first post includes the tilt switch - it has a "resistor" sticker on it (i have modified that one with some resistors as TonyA had posted a while back).
Ok limited time again today. Ck'd all fuses, ok. Wired tied clutch handle back, Starter spins fast no start, pulled apart side stand switch plug, neither post hot, no voltage.?! Pulled seat off disconnected tip over switch, Grey with green stripe wire had 5 volts, Green wire with brown stripe nothing. I assume Pink with red stripe is ground. So with my limited knowledge and information next step will be checking all grounds. The 5 volts puzzles me. Do you suspect something is back feeding that I'm getting 5 volts. Do one of the relays control the safeties and which one pictured below. Thanks 50th class reunion this afternoon and TT races at Piston Poppers tomorrow won't get to investigate until Monday. 961 shut off after 20 seconds won't restart961 shut off after 20 seconds won't restart
Did you pull the spark plus to confirm you have spark?

and because we have seen it happen. do you have fuel in the tank?
Ok limited time again today. Ck'd all fuses, ok. Wired tied clutch handle back, Starter spins fast no start, pulled apart side stand switch plug, neither post hot, no voltage.?! Pulled seat off disconnected tip over switch, Grey with green stripe wire had 5 volts, Green wire with brown stripe nothing. I assume Pink with red stripe is ground. So with my limited knowledge and information next step will be checking all grounds. The 5 volts puzzles me. Do you suspect something is back feeding that I'm getting 5 volts. Do one of the relays control the safeties and which one pictured below. Thanks 50th class reunion this afternoon and TT races at Piston Poppers tomorrow won't get to investigate until Monday.View attachment 81826View attachment 81827
Ok , The tip over sensor has three wires . One of them is return (ground) , the other will have 5 VDC , the third wire should be around .5 Vdc. or (low) . This is the signal back to the ECU or in your case to the tip over sensor pack. So with key on you can check if this line goes high when you rotate the sensor simulating a fall. Ohm out every fuse , make sure no cracks in them.
You could have a bad relay , like the ignition Relay ? Do you have some spares , or try to swap some around ?
Here was my early morning: Yes there is gas . yes the side stand switch is working, the tip over is ok, Took tank off and put old factory ignition in, NO SPARK test lead to ignition, center wire 12.9 volts, outside wires .04 volts. Put connections back together NO SPARK **!!**##++. No spare relays. Which is the ignition relay, sorry I have very limited information on wiring. If Richard7 has wiring diagram I'll get it. Because there was 12.9 volts to ignition coil could it be the crank sending unit, if so what is the test procedure. Thanks to all Also the fuel pump runs.
Green wire at coil is 12v. other two wires come from the ECU and are trigger wires for coil pack and will be a ground for the coil 1 and 2

you say no spark but have you have you removed the spark plugs and check for no spark at the plugs when grounded to motor? If you are getting power to coil then relay is working.
Pulled plugs no spark The thing I'm not sure of ,if you read earlier post, is I had 0 volts on side stand switch not the 12 volts I expected is there a relay for this? switch rang out as operating thanks
Here was my early morning: Yes there is gas . yes the side stand switch is working, the tip over is ok, Took tank off and put old factory ignition in, NO SPARK test lead to ignition, center wire 12.9 volts, outside wires .04 volts. Put connections back together NO SPARK **!!**##++. No spare relays. Which is the ignition relay, sorry I have very limited information on wiring. If Richard7 has wiring diagram I'll get it. Because there was 12.9 volts to ignition coil could it be the crank sending unit, if so what is the test procedure. Thanks to all Also the fuel pump runs.
Power down relay ? Brings 12v to pin A4 of ECU.
Power down relay ? Brings 12v to pin A4 of ECU.
Here was my early morning: Yes there is gas . yes the side stand switch is working, the tip over is ok, Took tank off and put old factory ignition in, NO SPARK test lead to ignition, center wire 12.9 volts, outside wires .04 volts. Put connections back together NO SPARK **!!**##++. No spare relays. Which is the ignition relay, sorry I have very limited information on wiring. If Richard7 has wiring diagram I'll get it. Because there was 12.9 volts to ignition coil could it be the crank sending unit, if so what is the test procedure. Thanks to all Also the fuel pump runs.
The power down relay is not on the SCS ecu bikes . It came on the Euro3 Omex bikes. The relay is not in the fuse box , look under the tank or somewhere else but not in the fuse box.
There are two under gas tank I will play switching them around. Let you know by noon today thanks do you have the Bosch replacement number Handy thanks again.