
He just declares himself bankrupt then, he then keeps the assets he has hidden away like the hunting range as long as they are not discovered, the UK agencies are not known for looking long and hard on white collar crime.
£14m of what money back to who?

Is that the pension money back to the pensioners?

I’d like to think they’d get some back, but ain’t gonna happen, like Kommando says, Garner will simply declare himself bankrupt.
Well the total liabilities were north of £30M, the TVS money will cover the Bank and possibly HRMC so that leaves £0 for the pensioners, suppliers, employees, customers etc. So Garner will get a bill for £14M, he won't pay and then the 'dishonestly' comes into play unless his passport is dusted and ready.
Last paragraph from the article:

"Garner did not respond to invitations to comment. He denies any wrongdoing and has said he considers himself a victim, as he did not know he was dealing with fraudsters."

Seems to more accurately describe the pensioners and his customers.
The regulator carries the same authority as a crown court. If he doesn't pay then he will go to jail. I suspect his passport has already been suspended as part of the agreement. Robbing pensioners will not go down well with the other cons. As for having the cash, I suspect this will be raised by the sale of Donington which looked very much on the cards prior to administration, which may explain why TVS will move out.
The investigation into his running of the company I suspect is still ongoing. This may explain the recent, ie last few days, comments in the Indian press the TVS deal is far from concluded according to some media outlets there. Strange as Project Bidco have registered the TM's.
TVS will now look real daft using him as a consultant. TVS should have listened to those like the members of this forum who said a complete split would be best from him and skinner.
As for claiming he is also a victim, he should shut up and take it on the chin, otherwise the likes of the regulator and Guardian will delve deeper into his past if they haven't already, and uncover more about just how much a victim he is.
I expect he'll end up being kept by his suddenly very rich wife....

I'm not an expert on law, but my understanding is that The law has somehow been changed, now Mrs Garner can be held to account of her sudden increase of unexplained wealth.
This saga looks like it will go on and on. . . .
I'm not an expert on law, but my understanding is that The law has somehow been changed, now Mrs Garner can be held to account of her sudden increase of unexplained wealth.
This saga looks like it will go on and on. . . .
It will, and yes money trails have to be proven, if not then it can be clawed back.
I don't remember seeing anything about Norton (or Garner) owning Donington Hall, I seem to recall that it was leased.
Donington Hall Estates Ltd was one of the 3 Garner companies in administration - Metro Bank had intertwined loans to all 3 - don't know if BDO has sold it on yet
Not sure if anyone's posted this

Thanks for posting Bluey , A very entertaining video I must say , and probably all very true ! As I look back now some 3 years ago when my wife and I were at Norton UK ; I kept thinking " This seems like a house of cards just waiting to fall down " ...
Stuart Garner needs to rot in jail until the last pensioner he robbed, dies.

After that, he needs to spend an ADDITIONAL year in jail for each motorcycle depositor that he robbed.

After that, he needs to be exiled to Siberia.