Yes, it IS possible

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Oct 28, 2014
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1969 Commando, frame mounted centerstand.
Today I tossed the old crappy centerstand and installed the later one, mounted on the cradle. It required removing the entire primary side, a jack under the motor and withdrawing the front iso bolt. I could get just enough room to drill the cradle. It took about 5 hours.
1969 Commando, frame mounted centerstand.
Today I tossed the old crappy centerstand and installed the later one, mounted on the cradle. It required removing the entire primary side, a jack under the motor and withdrawing the front iso bolt. I could get just enough room to drill the cradle. It took about 5 hours.
No pictures? - It didn't happen!;)
Slightly off topic. I have a customer that wants me to do this, but I have a spare cradle already drilled. I've been under the assumption that the cradles were different, but AN sells the same part for all years. Can the cradle just be changed so the later center stand will work?
The cradles were different but AN now drill them all for the cradle mounted center stand to save stocking two cradles, if the frame mounted center stand is retained the extra holes are unfilled. Not sure what size the holes AN use, hopefully the larger ones for the steel bushes fitted later.
the centerstand bushings require a 9/16" hole in the cradle. It is easier to drill the new holes rather than remove engine, trans, swingarm etc.
However, you will need a later cradle to make the template for the hole drilling. Also needed is a 5/16" hole for the spring. Use LONG drills.
Put a jack under the front of the motor.
remove the headsteady.
jack up the motor until pressure has been taken off the front iso bolt......then remove the bolt
jack up the motor as far as you can. The 9/16" drill will just clear the frame.
I took both nuts off the bottom trans mounting stud and pivoted the template off the stud to insure that both holes would be right in line.
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