WHY are Nortons Positive Ground?

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OK, this thread has gone way too long but, just one quick question:
I'm considering changing my electrical system to negative ground, to allow the use of LEDs.
I know I saw a "how to" thread here a while back, but can't seem to find it. Anybody have a link?
many thanks,
So, if I leant my bike onto a car, would they weld themselves together? :lol: :lol:
Flo said:
So, if I leant my bike onto a car, would they weld themselves together? :lol: :lol:

Ahhh according to the theory of solid - solid diffusion, it would - eventually if they hadn't rusted away first, but would it then be positive or negative earth in its fused state that is the question?? And is car smoke compatible with motorcycle smoke??
It would depend on,
a, whether said Norton had a PCV or not if it would rust away, and,
b, if said car was a Fiat, there would be only 4 tyres left and rubber and oil don't stick.

The mixing of smoke is a question only answered by boffins pondering the questions of the universe?????
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