White/Purple wire?

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Feb 9, 2009
I found this wire, along with the red one, cut. I know the red one is ground (even though it never gets within 2 feet of the pavement). They are under the tank, and the White/Purple runs to the MC2 along with a White/Red, but are NOT connected. I have looked everywhere for a White/Purple in the wiring diagram. By the way, the diagram says that White/Red goes to the Left Hand Switch, but it goes to the Right Hand Switch, as stated in the Workshop Manual. But who cares, it does't seem to do anything anyway.

White/Purple wire?

I thought it may be in the Interpol stuff, but no go.

What is it for? FIRST PERSON TO SAY "TO DRIVE YOU CRAZY" I sigh up for spam.

Now watch L.A.B. point out that it is right in the middle of the page, and I need glasses.
White and Purple appears to energize the coils when the starter solonoid is pulled in. Others will have to verify this or expound. But I am very very close. Look to the Mark III diagram.
I have a 73, 850. No starter, at least not that I am aware of. Well, there's that little lever on the right side. Do I run the White/Purple to it?
Whether you have a starter or not, you got the wires for one. How they got there, you'll have to decide if it matters. There are conversions to add one from OldBritts, i think.
Sure you can. Please keep us all in loop. Remember, red to ground. w/p to lever.
It works! Wow, I have an electric start. Seems all you have to do it, take White/Purple wire and...............wait a minute, ..............tell Grandpaul to come by....with cash.
Diablouph said:
I have a 73, 850. No starter, at least not that I am aware of. Well, there's that little lever on the right side. Do I run the White/Purple to it?

Unless you've owned it since new there is the chance a newer harness for a 75 was installed by a PO?

Diablouph said:
Now watch L.A.B. point out that it is right in the middle of the page, and I need glasses.

Although most Interpol special equipment wires are Purple (combined with other colours) according to the wiring diagrams, "White/Purple" was used as the ballast resistor bypass wire between the starter solenoid and on the ignition coil side of the ballast resistor of the MkIII models.

the White/Purple runs to the MC2

Do you mean 2CP (2 condensers in a rubber block under the coil bracket)? 2MC is the "Blue can" starting capacitor, and shouldn't have any White/Purple connected to it?
White/Purple was the wire colour used between the ballast resistor and the coils on the '71-'74 models, however it isn't marked as such on the '71-'74 wiring diagrams!

If you have electronic ignition fitted, then any original White/Purple wire is no longer used and can be disconnected or removed, in fact the MkIII White/Purple solenoid-coils wire must be disconnected, otherwise the bike won't fire up on the starter motor.

The Red wire you found cut is probably the one that would normally have gone to the 2CP capacitor tab, which is no longer required if electronic ignition is fitted.

the diagram says that White/Red goes to the Left Hand Switch,

The switches were often swapped over, and that wire would have been the starter button wire for the electric starter the factory intended to fit in 1971, however they never got around to fitting a starter until the MkIII model so the switch wire goes nowhere on the pre-MkIII models.
No, I mean the MC2. I, however, meant that the wire goes "up to" the MC2. It just sits there swinging back and forth. I should have been clearer. Why doesn't my 1973 wiring diagram have the White/Purple one it? maybe with a note "if you are a newbe, 40 years from now, who has never worked on a bike before in your life, and are putting new wires on because the old ones have holes in them, NEVER MIND, forget this wire".

The Capacitor is shot and i am going to just pull the red. But, I am going to keep the White/Purple wire connected to the little lever on the right side. I have gotten used to having an electric start lever.
Diablouph said:
No, I mean the MC2. I, however, meant that the wire goes "up to" the MC2. It just sits there swinging back and forth.

Sorry, but I'm not quite sure I understand, as the 2MC blue can starting capacitor (if that's what you mean by MC2 ?) would usually be fixed to the frame at the rear of the battery?
What I would expect to find connected to the coil bracket (just outside the area shown by your photo) also suspended by a spring, would be the silver can 3AW assimilator unit, although there is something blue in the background, I can't make out if it is the 2MC or not?
Hey guys, he understand alright. He's just a little miffed on why it's there in the first place, although it's just a later harness.
And yes, Diablouph, dream to your hearts content, And remember us fondly as ride through the universe.
Universe, I will be happy if I can get this thing reassembled, running, and ride it around the block. When I do, I'll send a pic of my new ELECTRIC START LEVER.
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