Which oil... gearbox

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Fast Eddie

Oct 4, 2013
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Now then, I know there’s nowt we like more than a good oil thread!

Comnoz’ recent oil testing thread was a huge eye opener for many (all?) of us, with many myths being bust along the way.

I now wonder if there are particular brands / types / weights of GEAR oil that are better than others?

I’ve been using Redline Shockproof stuff for quite a few years now, but am wondering if there’s better...
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I've always been impressed by this video from Omega:

I bookmarked the video with a view to looking into it's suitability for a bike, but never did anything about it.

The way Redline Heavy clings, I would imagine it's behaviour is somewhat similar!
ATF Dextron was recommended for the gearbox. With it, I am getting sometimes notchy shifts but I believe this could be due to running too tight a kickershaft. I have it shimmed.
ATF used by some to try to lubricate the mainshaft and associated sleeve bushes. Do we lose some protection of the gear tooth faces due to lighter
lube? What if we use a TTI or Quaife box then different requirements?
Nigel did you get your TTI box in yet?
...I’ve been using Redline Shockproof stuff for quite a few years now, but am wondering if there’s better...

I've also been using this oil on my Commando. For a few years I've used Redline products in differentials and manual transmissions of cars and have always been impressed with the results.
ATF used by some to try to lubricate the mainshaft and associated sleeve bushes. Do we lose some protection of the gear tooth faces due to lighter
lube? What if we use a TTI or Quaife box then different requirements?
Nigel did you get your TTI box in yet?
Mick Hemmings advised me to use Silkolene Pro 75 RSG 75 for the Quaife , and some say not use shockproof in TTI , Comnoz use ATF .....gear debate !!
Jim Comstock is probably cutting his communication lines as we write when he considers the new cry for GEARBOX OIL TESTS!
...that poor guy he must be exhausted.
TBH, I have never paid much attention to the gearbox oil other than the weight. I use whatever brand the parts store has and have never noticed any difference in the way the gearbox acts. ATF works fine in similar applications - there are plenty of gears in an automatic transmission and ATF is the factory fill in some manual trannys nowadays BUT I have to admit I don't have any idea if the materials used in the OEM AMC gearbox are compatible with ATF. I thought about using ATF some years back but that last concern kept me using gear oil.
Funnily enough I've just today decided to go with ATF in the box. Mainly to resolve the gear oil into the clutch issue. I've had an rgm seal nut on the clutch centre, but as many of you will have found, it fouls the diaphragm centre and makes it slip anyway.
I am trying to rationalise the miriad of oils I use and once the various gearbox specific oils are used up I think I am going to go with Motul 7100 10w 60 that I use in my dirtbike.
Redline Light Weight Shockproof in my 4 speed AMC box (blue oil) for the Roadster changed once a year
Fuchs Titan 75W90 in the TTI 5 speed for the race bike, changed after every two race meetings
Regards Mike
I've had an rgm seal nut on the clutch centre, but as many of you will have found, it fouls the diaphragm centre and makes it slip anyway.
Same here. Turned the nut down, problem solved.
Filed under ‘some adjustment required’.
I seem to recall an old dodge of putting some grease on the pushrod to stop oil migration. No idea if it works.
Funnily enough I've just today decided to go with ATF in the box. Mainly to resolve the gear oil into the clutch issue. I've had an rgm seal nut on the clutch centre, but as many of you will have found, it fouls the diaphragm centre and makes it slip anyway.

I have never had that "oil migration" occur between gearbox and crankcase though I have read that it is common. I use ATF in the crankcase have no seal and I have never put any grease on the rod. Did Norton make some change at some point that would make it less likely?
Yes, sorry - chaincase. :(

Re oil in the tranny - I check it occasionally but I don't routinely change it. The only reason I would change it is if it was discolored but the oil in there still looks like it did when it came out of the bottle when I installed new bearings several years ago as preventive maintenance. I wasn't having any problem, just thought it was good thing to do.
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