What is it with young riders


Jul 11, 2010
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Just lately around my place there are a few new licence riders riding their regersted dirt bikes past my place, I live a house from the corner but I hear these bikes coming a mile away they past my place usualy on the back wheel and just running a muck, yes I did this in my younger days but times are different now, just around the corner there is a primary school and a private school down the road and one rider comes around when school has just got out so lots of kiddies around, to me they are bring attention to themselfs and of course attracting the law.
Its not only after school they are doing it everytime they go out, I have lived here most of my life and one thing I learned a long time ago is not to draw attention or attract the police where you live, you are only shitting in your own back yard, but its not only these young dirt bike riders, some of these younger Harley riders with their loud exhaust pipes and riders on high powered rice rockets going to fast in suburban streets, why can't they go else where to do this crap, I have notice in the last few days the cops are hanging around more in the area, I been riding here for 45 years and I don't want to be pulled over everytime I leave my place on my bike because of a few young ones doing the wrong thing.
I have also seen a neighbour shaking his fist at one rider doing a wheel stand past his place so its upsetting a few around here but the young ones don't see it because they are going so fast, who knows someone might take the law into their own hands and some one will get hurt and of couse when then get tickets for their foolishness they will wonder why or why are the cops picking on me, in time they will get caught.

I live on a narrow, twisty country road. Lots of bikes pass by, especially on weekends. The loud pipers can be heard coming through the valley to the East. They make lots of noise, but don't go very fast, so it takes awhile for their potato-potato to pass and fade. One day, I heard a sportbike exhaust headed this way and just as I thought the rider would be approaching, there was a graunch noise and then silence. I walked down the road towards the creek bridge and found a young guy sitting dazed next to his downed bike. Got him up and got him on his way, but the road takes care of the squids. Fastest guy who rides through here is an older fellow like myself on an FJ 1300. Now THAT sumbitch can ride. I wish he would stop and introduce himself. Always good to meet a kindred spirit.

The people who stupid shit in residential areas obviously don't know where to be cool and where to let it all hang out. Or how, when they get there.
In my youth, I was always crazy, but never stupid.

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I did plenty of crazy, and stupid, stuff when I was young. Now I'm old, I've had time to learn from at least some of my mistakes, so I'm better behaved, at least most of the time. I think that's just how the world works, and expecting youth to act differently is not realistic.

Same here Ken, sometimes crazy, sometimes stupid, sometimes both during my ‘miss spent’. I’ll bet all of us can think of things we did that make us cringe, and that make us quietly think “actually, I’m lucky to be alive”.

I know I do!
When I first came to Benalla, I approached Winton Motor Raceway and started the Winton Motorcycle Club. My primary interest is in road racing, not in dirt bikes, but the local kids are now mainly into motocross. We actually pay the Honda trainers to teach the kids to race on the dirt. It is much better than to have them screaming down our back-roads out of control. I never wanted to be the leader of a motorcycle club, but with the help of Winton Raceway, I was able to do a bit for our community. We have built a MX track on their land, which is capable of running national championships. The only problem is petty jealousy from other clubs. There is no sense of cooperation for the common good. Some people make money out of kid's motorcycling.
Yes I have done many crazy and stupid things on my motorcycles in my youth and in my older age as my brain still think its still 17, but one thing my dad taught me was to never shit in your own back yard, go else where to do that, but in my younger days we had places to ride our dirt bikes, lots of bush around our area, but as time goes by and more people moving in suburbia the bush has disappeared, people want their peace and quite, you can't even have your music playing without someone complaining, I am the last of the orginal owners here and things have change to the worst and having the police hanging around only means trouble.
I have a few dirt bikes mine is a Honda CRF450X and my daughters Honda, mine is loud, powerfull but it get trailed to our riding area, away from disturbing the neighbour hood, a lot of motorcross tracks have closed down becauce suburbia got built around them, the tracks were there long before the houses, but people power and people wanting to live a quite life and now young kids riding their pit bikes around the streets because there is no longer anywhere local to ride them, I do feel for them but the streets aren't the answer and for property owners who want to set up tracks the insurance and liability is to much even with signs at the front gate "ride at your own risk", people get hurt doing stupid things and when they do let sue the property owners, then they close down.
I am glad I grew up on motorcycles when I did as now it harder for the young ones to do what we use to get away with.

I've had hotted-up motorcycles since I was 15 and I've outrun the police a few times. It cannot be done these days. What really peeves me, is that around Melbourne the kids run illegal drag races for their cars. The police call them hoons and often grab their cars and crush them. It would not be rocket science to subsidise the two existing drag strips, so the kids could let off steam legally and safely. They jump all over the kids then complain when the kids rebel. The roblem is that many people only see value in terms of dollars and cents - insurance is a problem.
There are places set up for drag racing, driffing, or track work my youngest and her boyfriend are into Nissan turbo hi powered cars they are members of a local car club and do track days out at Willowbank race way, they are young and responsible and don't hoon around the streets, but they still get pulled up because of their age and hi powered cars that they have spent a lot of money on but they are doing the right thing, but the police see them and think they are hoons because of their cars, my daughter's car is set up right for the road, it has the right ground clearance, has a quite exhaust system but she still gets pulled up for no reason at all but when they relize she is female the cops adttude changes if she was male they be going over the car picking on things and writing tickets just because of others with the wrong mine set and using the streets as their own race track and it falls back on the ones doing the right thing.
Nothing has really changed, it happened in my younger days but the cars and bikes are a lot more powerfull now and a lot more inexperiance drivers are getting killed or killing their passengers, young male drivers will always do stupid things or they get egged on by their mates or just showing off, its a dangours world out there and the street is not the place to be stupid.

Well its been really quite around here the last few days the rider who was pulling all the wheelies past my place is now riding a bit slower and more sensible, I say he has been pulled over by the police and given a few tickets as I know a few people have gotten his rego number and have reported him about his riding skills, he was a bit of a neusense but I quite liked the wheelies he was doing but the bike was very loud when he did them, as for the other 2 riders they haven't been out and about so I say they been jumped on as well as the one on the Honda was a motorcross bike with no rego at all, its big fines these days for unruly behavour on the streets and now have very strick hoon laws in place and impoundment laws.

I suggest a better way than fining or punishing, is to lead them in a better direction. Complaints are rarely a way to improve things. We don't need any more police or wowsers. We need constructive leaders - what are YOU doing for the rest of your life on this planet ?
Well it didn't last long he is back doing silly things, do they have no brains or do they just like the trill of avoiding the law or do they have so much money to throw away paying fines etc, who knows.
A male friend of my daughter a few years ago through it was cool to miss behave all the time hooning around in his hi performance V8 causing havoc all the time giving the law a hard time when he got caught, losing a good job because of it and paying money that will take years to pay off I had a talk with him one night when my daughter had a party here, he really is a good lad but just done stupid things as we all do in our days, he has woken up to himself and is back on track with a good job again and a GF, he got rid of the car that got him in so much trouble and his licence back lol, but he is still paying for it.

A lot of things are about money. Most kids can afford the fast vehicle, but cannot afford to use it legally in competition. To my mind getting an adrenalin rush by racing is an honourable and worthwhile past-time. The biggest fun-killer these days are the insurance costs. You cannot compete without insurance. One thing which I think is very good are cheap come-and-try days at motor race circuits.
"The world is passing through troubulous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they know everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolish mentioned with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest, and unladylike in speech, behavior, and dress.
A quote attributed to Peter the Hermit, A.D. 1224
"The world is passing through troubulous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they know everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolish mentioned with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest, and unladylike in speech, behavior, and dress.
A quote attributed to Peter the Hermit, A.D. 1224

The more things change, the more they stay the same!!!

acotrel, cool film!
What I really like about the film, is it was made near Melbourne in spite of the fact that over the last forty years Victoria has become much more of a police state. It makes me feel sad that the fun police have been so successful. What we used to do as kids was really pretty harmless, but we were pretty much condemned for it.