View First Unread Post Button ?

Jul 17, 2015
Is it just me? The "view first unread post" button is not working normally lately for me on a couple threads that I have been following. For example on the "Head Steady Install Question", when a new post is indicated after clicking on the "View New Posts" heading and then when I click on the red "view first unread post" icon, I'm now just brought to the top of page 2. I think the other thread that is acting up for me is "Pictures of Your Norton Commandos". I tried logging out and back in, but that didn't help.
A year on and still looking for help resetting the little red button to the left of the thread title. I've searched and looked thru the FAQ's logged out and back on but nothing helps. Is there no way to get that function back after it looses track of what your first unread post is? Why does it loose that memory occasionally?
Hi Bill,

I am un clear of the issue. If you could take a screen shot and send a detailed email to me i will try to understand the issue and help fix it if its broken,

Accessnorton (at) gmail dot com

regards, Jerry