University Research Project

Jan 17, 2017
Hi All,

I am a student at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, conducting research into the UK consumer perceptions of luxury/premium motorcycle brands.

Please could I have a few moments of your time to fill out the below questionnaire, this questionnaire is only active for a few weeks and your contributions would be greatly appreciated.

All responses are anonymous and information collected is confidential. ... TbRyfx6AZL

Thank you for your time,


(Admin, if not okay, please message me and delete post, thank you)
Hi Charlotte,

Good luck with the survey. I am making the topic "Sticky" for 30 days. We would be interested in any feedback with your survey results.

You might not get a very strong response from forum members, Charlotte. A sizeable proportion of them are not UK residents and get disqualified at the first question.
GEES , talk about leading questions .

ACTUALLY the FIRST Question is if youve READ the INTRO !

What was the main factor for scoring MV Agusta as Somewhat Functional?

Its bleedy Italian , It Functions Somewhat When its inclined to . :P :D .

What was the main factor for scoring BMW Motorrad as Mostly Functional?

Because they go unless they stop going . Being German . :wink:

To what extent does the country the brand originates from affect your perceptions of luxury?

If I wanted luxury id buy a goldwing, but ive already got a car .


I think its been done by a Girl , NONE of the reasons there would justify buying any of them .

It Should GO , Embarres Japese cheap tiny rubish , And NOT look like its made by HONDA .
Have NO excess garbage strewn on it.
Stay Going AFTER its driven trhrough a flooded river over its head . ( as Real Triumphs were apt to )
Not Be six foot off the ground . Should still be going in 50 years if One Owner .

And shouldnt be something so supercilious that youd be intrested in what ANYBODY thought of it , Other than yourself .
Which means it shouldnt spit you off diceing with japanes garbage on backroads , and city slickers should stay well clear
of it as theyed be SCARED of anything that wasnt delusional .

Some Twerp has a new yamaha , as its " The Best Superbike Made " . Oh Dear , or is it O Really .

They keep knocking out overpriced junk milking ancient brand names , like Grindley Peerless .
Though theres some new pice of junk with a Custom S&S motor thats not a total piece of trash.

The Best 1970 Bonneville is still a 1970 bonneville , if you havnt got a 1961 or 62 one . :wink:

Wonder if shes ever been round the I.o.M. on a motorcycle . I think she needs to know about motocycles . not Consumer goods .

City slickers .

Bahh .

:wink: :lol: :lol:

University Research Project

University Research Project

Anything else , if you count past three with the throttle open , youd consider laws ' advisory ' rather than arbitory . Wise men and emberciles . isnt it .