turn signal help

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Jun 19, 2011
Country flag
When I purchased my 73 750 the previous owner removed the signal lights but I want to reinstall them. Do I buy short stem or long stem and how do they attach at the front headlamp? Is there a special bolt?
Short Stems tend to get knocked off less often in my case-conditions. Earth path goes thru the plastic chrome layer via the tiny screws that hold the bulb in then thru the stem. Some like me had to add a wire to keep em winking on demand. Need the blinker unit too.
hobot said:
Short Stems tend to get knocked off less often in my case-conditions. Earth path goes thru the plastic chrome layer via the tiny screws that hold the bulb in then thru the stem. Some like me had to add a wire to keep em winking on demand. Need the blinker unit too.
Hob, Are you fitting these so Elk will know which way you are going to swerve . thinking about it ..Mayby you need to wire them together, so it wont know, otherwise no dinner :lol:
Trixie retains the factory no signals installed, just my flashing eyes and sneering teeth to ward off, so i make attention getting hand waves before I need to hold bars levers at a stand still. I think brake and signals are way over sold as much a safety item.

Peel on the other hand will have blinding strobes, Sherking Sirens, whistles and horns and flashing light on helmet propeller. But first ya got to make em look up in time to see the show, so at least 2 Paintball blunderbuss fitted as well. For traffic notice besides looking like I"m always about to aggressively crash, LEDs almost flush so animals, trees and me can't knock off. I'm trying to conceive and evil face pattern with the signals and running light to scare animals and people.
Peels LEDs may be about a foot long to not just pin points of brightness, and active zipping blinking up and down as if animal legs moving.

Peel will have flag/fishing pole with a light show on the end but when speeding over the ton into turns its laid down for air drag to help keep her pointed into the wind w/o depending on lifted out of traction front tire.
turn signal help
My '72 combat had them (optional in '72) and I would consider them long stems. But the first time the bike falls over it will take out the headlight shell, punching the captive insert right out and bending the mounting ears. My headlight shell still has the fiberglass patch I did when I was in college.

I would say go as short as possible on the stems. I kinda like the diamond shaped small turn signals that appear around the various rallyes. It really is true that no one understands hand signals anymore. (Or can drive without being glued to a cellphone.)

The original turn signals survived intact and I still have them to pass on to the next guy.
I have the original style long stem on my '73. But, if I were to do over again, I would put on a small set of the new LED style such as those offered by Colorado Norton Works as well as others. Brighter, less power usage as well (IMHO) easier on the eyes.
Long stems at the back, short ay the front. Screw into haedlight & done up with the locknut,
:wink: :wink:
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