Not sure what you mean by lift but I too I find the cam chain tension frustrating and finally have a method that I think is correct.
73 Riders
The permissible amount of free up and down movement measured in the centre of this run is 3/16 in.
70-73 Workshop
Fit the chain tensioner, and disc washers and nuts moving the tensioner blade to give a maximum 3/16 in (4.8 mm) up and down movement at the tightest point of the chain and ....
Based on those, I take it that when rotating the engine forward, find the tightest point and make sure the chain has 0-3/16" up and down movement at the center of the top run. I suspect that 0 would be best but trying to determine that would be hard so they said max of 3/16". To me, you want no undue strain on the intermediate gear, and you want the motion of the camshaft to be well sync'ed with the crankshaft (1/2 speed of course).
So, without looking I turn the engine forward feeling the cam chain and stop when I think I'm at the tightest. Mark with chalk and do the same a couple more times. If the chalk marks agree, I set the tension there to no more than 3/16" and try again. I everything still agrees, I'm done.