Just to be clear - I am not complaining about anything or anybody. To be fair, even 'tho I am in high end electronics materials I am a bit of a luddite - no i don't use a slide ruler anymore, but I still prefer a fairly simple programmable calculator. Cell telephone - I have no desire to learn a bunch of "features."
I applaud Mr. Evens at INOA for volunteering, and i understand where he comes from - he does it for less than free since his own time is worth a lot to him. To him I say thank you for doing the job.
I do not know Mr. Hemmings by other than reputation, I just wanted to get the DVD's of his work. I was not dealing with him.
The only reason I set that post out is that I am ready to start the rebuild of my '74 850, the old boy has sat far too long and I wanted the gearbox DVD (that and about 4 beers) and I thought it was funny to run across something I actually had to mail in.
What I think is really weird is when I ask someone that wants paypal for a payment if they wouldn't rather have me mail a check - why should paypal (ebay) get a cut. And they say no, I would rather use paypal. Again, personal preference, so no disrespect to those using paypal.