Steering lock key code, same as ignition?

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Apr 6, 2013
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Was the steering lock key cut the same as the ignition key, just a different shape key blank?

This is the first bike I am restoring with a steering lock, but no keys. (ignition or steering)

Is there a code written on the steering lock somehwere, like it is on the ignition lock?
No, they are completely different. Ignition key has a "rectangular" head, original steering lock key has a round head.
I have the original keys for both on my '72 - there is not code on the steering lock, it is likely easier to replace the whole thing.

Thanks. What is the best, non-sacraficial way to get it out of the yoke? I can send it to a guy who can key it.
Just tap it upwards with a suitably sized drift, there should be a key number stamped on the side once its out starting EJR

That's for pre MK3, MK3 may be different.
Mk3 has a roll pin which is allegedly a nightmare to drill out......
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Just tap it upwards with a suitably sized drift, there should be a key number stamped on the side once its out starting EJR

That's for pre MK3, MK3 may be different.

Pre-71 also used ERJ locks? I have read where ERJ locks where only used 71 and later.
At the risk of de-railing this thread, does anybody ever use the steering lock?
I used to make the effort to get the lock functioning, key cut, etc. But I don't think I have ever used a steering lock on any of my bikes.
My 72 and 74 have the same ERJ lock, suggest you knock out and look for a number on the side to see what it is.
I've always used the lock on any bike that actually had one. I don't really remember if my 441 had one; perhaps it did but I don't remember using it but that's five decades ago :-(
Anyway, it will only marginally slow down a professional thief but may deter an amateur.
Andover Norton

71 Steering lock


in stock

part-no: 03.0175

FS series is the same as ignition but the lock will not be the same only the key.

At the risk of de-railing this thread, does anybody ever use the steering lock?
I used to make the effort to get the lock functioning, key cut, etc. But I don't think I have ever used a steering lock on any of my bikes.
I use mine quite often if I am staying in a motel. I use other means of securing my bike as well.

It is only going to slow a thief down - if they want your bike, they will find a way. Just hope there are a few Harley's parked close by - LOL!!
Mine doesn't reach the lock plate. Never has even when new. Replaced the lock once with the same result. It's like it doesn't sit deep enough into the upper yoke or they welded the plate down too low.
At the risk of de-railing this thread, does anybody ever use the steering lock?
I used to make the effort to get the lock functioning, key cut, etc. But I don't think I have ever used a steering lock on any of my bikes.
Many years ago, and to my then surprise, i lifted the lock out of the yoke while trying to lock it. Haven't bothered with it since.
You could try willmot breedon near cannock for a key blank ... as faras i can see the ignition lock barrels all have the same serial... couldbe the steering lock is a similar story.. though they could be year specific .. if you can get the serial number from a similar bike similar year then wb may be able tosupply the key.

incidently if you clip ons then the steering lock means thief will have to either turn up with van and plank or a slide hammer
Just tap it upwards with a suitably sized drift, there should be a key number stamped on the side once its out starting EJR

That's for pre MK3, MK3 may be different.
Mk3`s have a different steering lock made by Neiman in Germany, it`s fitted upwards into the top yoke (triple tree) so can`t be pulled out by screwing a self taper into it. The top yoke has to be removed or at least raised and supported then a good whack with a drift will shear the roll pin and it can be removed downwards (trying to drill the hard roll pin is pointless). The tumbler is in an offset housing and then has to be drifted out itself, this will shear off the top of the tiny grub screw which limits rotational movement but I found that this was reusable by refitting it a little higher with loctite to secure it after first cutting a new slot in the top with a hacksaw. The new replacement Neiman steering locks come in a housing without enough offset for the key to clear the top access hole but can be fitted into an old housing or the access hole in the yoke can be enlarged if you prefer. I have just removed a second one today to find that the lock code stamped on the side of the tumbler is the same as one I removed from another bike before.
Similar to to nst8. I had a locksmith make a key for the lock when I acquired the bike, Austin blank if I remember correctly. Never use it, can pull it out with the key or push it out with my finger, Is there a way of fastening it in?
Mk3`s have a different steering lock made by Neiman in Germany, it`s fitted upwards into the top yoke (triple tree) so can`t be pulled out by screwing a self taper into it. The top yoke has to be removed or at least raised and supported then a good whack with a drift will shear the roll pin and it can be removed downwards (trying to drill the hard roll pin is pointless). The tumbler is in an offset housing and then has to be drifted out itself, this will shear off the top of the tiny grub screw which limits rotational movement but I found that this was reusable by refitting it a little higher with loctite to secure it after first cutting a new slot in the top with a hacksaw. The new replacement Neiman steering locks come in a housing without enough offset for the key to clear the top access hole but can be fitted into an old housing or the access hole in the yoke can be enlarged if you prefer. I have just removed a second one today to find that the lock code stamped on the side of the tumbler is the same as one I removed from another bike before.
I replaced my MKIII lock in a similar manner. The new assembly works with no key clearance issues . The MKIII setup is superior to the earlier bikes for sure.
Mine doesn't reach the lock plate. Never has even when new. Replaced the lock once with the same result. It's like it doesn't sit deep enough into the upper yoke or they welded the plate down too low.
I've recently ordered replacement keys for an Austin Mini via this UK company:

Their on+line tool lets you submit a decent quality picture of you original key profile and they will make to suit from an original blank. Useful if you do not have a coded key. Lots of odd British key blank types on hand.
At the risk of de-railing this thread, does anybody ever use the steering lock?
I used to make the effort to get the lock functioning, key cut, etc. But I don't think I have ever used a steering lock on any of my bikes.
No. Mk111 lock works , but I don't much want to risk it failing ever. Police and insurance companies know that close to all thefts are new modern rocket bikes.
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