States' Rights? Trump to Ban California from Making Its Own Laws

Uh oh. Seems I hit another nerve with the snowflakes here! For a bunch of tough guy, "tell it like it is" types you sure seem to get your panties in a pinch whenever someone suggests that maybe just MAYBE you have it a little easier than the Mexican kid in a cage.

I'm a fucking lower middle class white guy myself. I don't have any guilt about it, nor do I think I'm the bee's knees or above racism.

Legitimate arguments if you have no Chinese made products in your household.

Maintaining my composure and my respect to the adults in this forum, I will not respond to your childish "middle class white guys" comment.

Have a wonderful new year. ;)


Have a great new year yourself! And everyone here as well.

My middle class white guys point was to point out that in each of your examples none of the founders were lifting themselves out of poverty. They enjoyed the benefits and advantages afforded to the majority ruling class and culture in the good ol USA.

You think all Americans have garages or dorm rooms at Harvard? You think the impoverished have the spare time to tinker with circuit boards in their unused 2 car garage? GIVE ME A BREAK.

They were all breathing air too... what does it mean that they are all white guys? Does it mean the system is rigged? is that what you are saying??

So the NBA is all black guys,... The God damn NBA is an Obama scheme to take over american football!!!! :p Do you think that's what the overwhelming amount of black guys in the NBA (or NFL) means??

How about all harvard raising the entrance requirments on Asians, and lowering the requirments on blacks? Are Asians genetically smarter than blacks? Do asians SUCK at basketball??

What do you think all this obvious demographic inequality means???

A: I will tell you,... It means that people's culture, (NOT COLOR) has a lot to do with how they develop skills in their lives. That "nerdy Jewish kid" is expected to study hard by his parents and go to law school or medical school, and the cultural pressure on him is greater than some black kid, or some white farm boy in kansas. It's not racial inequality, it's different cultural priorities.

Modern america has evolved way beyond that racial shit now, although it's still a good card to play to try to injure a politician...

Trump's a racist! Really?? explain why and how... or shut up! You'ld have better odds convincing people he's a bully and a prick. lol

You can't be serious Frank. Sport has ALWAYS been a means to escape poverty for minorities in America.

You make a good point but it doesn't really get at the heart of what I'm saying.

The cultural institution of America, the way it is structured from the bottom up affords advantages to white people. It's an undeniable fact.

White Frank will be treated differently when he applies to a job compared to black Frank. Even more so for Jamal, Tyrone or Jashon. Not ALWAYS but often enough to stack the deck.

This has the effect of putting white folks in a better position to benefit from capitalism.

But by your logic it's because black families don't like money and don't want successful children, just football players!
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“Modern america has evolved way beyond that racial shit now, although it's still a good card to play to try to injure a politician...”

Bullshit! Plenty of racism evident when Obama was president. Now the racists have exchanged their hoods for MAGA caps. And every damn one of them fears the day nonwhites become the majority in the U.S.
I watched my brother in-law transition from navy flyer to travelling oil salesman ( home heating ) to be closer to his growing family .... soon he owned company , soon he owned many companies all across Canada and into New England states , he sold everything a few years ago and put $240 million in his pocket , he treated his employees very well .... during his time growing the business , I was building/replacing my ageing Mom’s family cottage ,I asked for help from all, he showed up 6 wknds in a row during best part of summer to help ... found out later at the same time he was having multimillion $ home built for his own family down on a tidal lake close to his headquarters .... he is absolutely self made and is a fair minded fair guy , he is greedy no doubt ,but seems to like having a good rep. as an employer .....
I watched my brother in-law transition from navy flyer to travelling oil salesman ( home heating ) to be closer to his growing family .... soon he owned company , soon he owned many companies all across Canada and into New England states , he sold everything a few years ago and put $240 million in his pocket , he treated his employees very well .... during his time growing the business , I was building/replacing my ageing Mom’s family cottage ,I asked for help from all, he showed up 6 wknds in a row during best part of summer to help ... found out later at the same time he was having multimillion $ home built for his own family down on a tidal lake close to his headquarters .... he is absolutely self made and is a fair minded fair guy , he is greedy no doubt ,but seems to like having a good rep. as an employer .....

Just sayin’ .... you guys getting worked up bout stuff that is beyond anyone involved ability to sort out , yelling at each other to hear yourselves .... so I posted a true unrelated story to try and distract , so you can take a breath and relax , I prefer facts as opposed to opinions and what I see/read in this thread is opposed views trying to justify their differing ideas with their opinions .... not sure I get that ..... I do know one fact though and that is that the current President of the USA is not respected by the world wide view .... you can argue forever on that ,but sadly it true , just like my brother in-laws story ...
“I do know one fact though and that is that the current President of the USA is not respected by the world wide view .”

Very true, but Trump and Trump supporters will say that’s just left wing media bias.

According to Trump he’s loved and respected internationally. Putin, Kim, Duterte, ....
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“Bush continued the clinton policies based on the books his administration was shown. (which were cooked, I tell people to google Franklin Raines and read his wiki page.”

“Would you trust Bill Clinton, Gary Hart, John Edwards, or Ted Kennedy more?”

Prevaricate much?

Seems the best Trump supporters can come up with is (insert Democrat) did it too.

Much like a defense for robbing a bank is someone else did it too. Childish at best. Of course, Trump does exhibit the mentality of a 5 year old, at times. Also, acts like a lab rat on speed with his tweets. Neither are commendable traits for POTUS. More like the actions of a banana republic dictator.
I get that a lot of solid American voters have no love of DJT, many others around the Globe also share the dislike of Trump for various reasons -womaniser, crook, bully (insert relevant label) and I am no fan of Trump myself. You do have to acknowledge that a significant number of Americans actually voted for him to be President and not all of them are mindless rubes - a similar claim is levelled at those who voted for Boris Johnson to be UK Prime Minister. People voted for Trump for all kinds of reasons - MAGA, reduce immigration, build that wall, remove the corrupt politicians...but the main reason was that they felt disenfranchised by the whole establishment.
Not all Trump supporters are brainless in just the same way that not all of his opposers are liberal lefties.
Impeached is not Guilty and as long as you have the two party polarisation in the USA there will always be claims of bias/wrong doing from each side against the other.
Our own political system here is going the same way and it is bloody depressing!
Get out there for a New Year’s Day Ride
I get that a lot of solid American voters have no love of DJT, many others around the Globe also share the dislike of Trump for various reasons -womaniser, crook, bully (insert relevant label) and I am no fan of Trump myself. You do have to acknowledge that a significant number of Americans actually voted for him to be President and not all of them are mindless rubes - a similar claim is levelled at those who voted for Boris Johnson to be UK Prime Minister. People voted for Trump for all kinds of reasons - MAGA, reduce immigration, build that wall, remove the corrupt politicians...but the main reason was that they felt disenfranchised by the whole establishment.
Not all Trump supporters are brainless in just the same way that not all of his opposers are liberal lefties.
Impeached is not Guilty and as long as you have the two party polarisation in the USA there will always be claims of bias/wrong doing from each side against the other.
Our own political system here is going the same way and it is bloody depressing!
Get out there for a New Year’s Day Ride

Well said, John. Will do on the ride. Everyone, please be safe out there. :)

I'm ready for a more pleasant subject guys. Still looking for the bartender in this here pub...:D

I get that a lot of solid American voters have no love of DJT, many others around the Globe also share the dislike of Trump for various reasons -womaniser, crook, bully (insert relevant label) and I am no fan of Trump myself. You do have to acknowledge that a significant number of Americans actually voted for him to be President and not all of them are mindless rubes - a similar claim is levelled at those who voted for Boris Johnson to be UK Prime Minister. People voted for Trump for all kinds of reasons - MAGA, reduce immigration, build that wall, remove the corrupt politicians...but the main reason was that they felt disenfranchised by the whole establishment.
Not all Trump supporters are brainless in just the same way that not all of his opposers are liberal lefties.
Impeached is not Guilty and as long as you have the two party polarisation in the USA there will always be claims of bias/wrong doing from each side against the other.
Our own political system here is going the same way and it is bloody depressing!
Get out there for a New Year’s Day Ride

Do not be depressed. Even though the system runs on bullshit, the law of unintended consequences says 'everything happens for the best'.
In any venture there are always for areas of operational risk, which must be balanced and managed - quality, safety, environment and security. There are international standards for at least the first three areas, which can be called-up in free trade agreements. The Chinese seem to only pay lip-service to them. however security risk is the most insidious, In Australia there have been at least three notable issues with Chinese manufactured goods. The flammable cladding on so many buildings is a major and very expensive problem, and it will not just go away. The 'level playing field' might soon begin to appear.
Do not be depressed. Even though the system runs on bullshit, the law of unintended consequences says 'everything happens for the best'.
I agree Al, I am not depressed as such, just disappointed that we have been reduced to the “least worst option” and voting against Politicians rather than for something. The parties here during the GE actually joined together to promote the message vote for X so you don’t get Boris...
And by “we” I mean all of us wherever we reside.
I am an optimist and do hope for the best - I am frequently disappointed!:D
Have a good one
It seems odd that those who claim the country moved (pre Trump) towards socialism, but appear to be quite O.K. with Trump’s fascist tendencies and his praising dictators, all the while deriding the country’s justice department.
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Well at least we can all pretty much agree that it's a known fact that the people in cars are out to get us.... One little female almost succeeded with me yesterday by using the turn lane to pass throwing up debris... lid to a 5gal. bucket hit me at 65mph.. Left shin still sore, but it could've been my head. Caught her and delivered an opinion.

BTW.... I voted for Carter because he seemed like a breath of fresh air back then. So much for that one. Watch out for vehicles with more than 2 wheels.
Well at least we can all pretty much agree that it's a known fact that the people in cars are out to get us.... One little female almost succeeded with me yesterday by using the turn lane to pass throwing up debris... lid to a 5gal. bucket hit me at 65mph.. Left shin still sore, but it could've been my head. Caught her and delivered an opinion.

BTW.... I voted for Carter because he seemed like a breath of fresh air back then. So much for that one. Watch out for vehicles with more than 2 wheels.

This is quite timely - in the last edition of Bike magazine
States' Rights? Trump to Ban California from Making Its Own Laws States' Rights? Trump to Ban California from Making Its Own Laws
I am so sick of hearing the muck about American politics the man got voted in and if you don't accept that then vote him out next time instead of all the BS, at our last election here in Aussie land our PM got voted in not for his plans but just because no one like the other guy and now are just starting to find out all the faults of the new guy in charge and people aren't real happy with him, but hey he is in power because he got the votes and now we got to wait a few more years to find out if he's done good or bad for the country unless his own party decides to get rid of him before that, a party won't get back in if they have a bad leader or one that is not popular with the people and that happens all over the world except in places where they only get one to choose from and really isn't politics built around corruption and lies, very few honest politians around and if there are some they never get far in politics.
So is there something else we can cry about instead of this BS with American politics, it seems to be all one sided the great US of A and to tell you the truth I don't give a dam, and of course this is my own opinion but I am a bit over it all, now where is that barman I need a big drink lol.

[ in-yoo-en-doh ]
noun, plural in·nu·en·dos, in·nu·en·does.
an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.

You should just stick to facts when you make accusations and leave the "mafia kingpin" type analogies and insults out of your comments, but then I suppose there wouldn't be anything left to your comments, except maybe the golf thing.

How many lies, jailed fixers and paid-off blabbing pornstars does it take?

It's either Black Knight syndrome or PeeWee Herman worship (I know you are but what am I?) that keeps you Trumpers supporting and believing in such a scoundrel. Total denial of reality.

I read this morning that Trump tweeted that he was "heaven sent" and that Obama "kicked Jesus out of the country"

Does "unhinged" describe his childish behavior?

The only thing more dangerous than a politician is a politician who thinks they are ordained by God rather than elected.