You and your S.O. both have the same thing, impingement at brain stem level and low macro minerals Ca, Mg, Mn, K, and the synergists to use them. If not eatting grubs and worms and crack bone to suck out marrow and roots and berries by the bucket full then better be taking bone/joint mineral formula a few times more than daily dose shown on label.
If you are lucky you can find a neck position direction that eases a stretch or pressure test to guide you on long term regrowing-remodeling the neck curve and length. Over time sprurs go away and discs regrow and life force can flow with snipping at brain function/chemistry or you poor unprotected kicking ankle.
There is some danger to this so warn ya not to think of it as working out neck or ankle as any discomfort is to be avoided or can flair up bad a day or 3 later and not know why. Various simple cheap traction devices can be adapted to speed up process comfortably.
It looks like a grade two sprain, that is stretched to tear some but not torn off.
To me it implies a bad neck prior to the kick - as neck tensed to slam bam it prevented spine cord programs from coordinating the leg muscles to support the joint to take the impact - bing bang boom - local delayed inflammation, slightly out of control as limiting use w/o much if any fracture involved. Its the same reason a 'conditioned' athlete can pull a hamstring just running w/o being tackled or hit a hole, the 6 big quadracepts mm's all fire at once to jerk leg forward but only one of the 6 big hamstrings fire to brake leg at wrong time, pow. Regular neuro's will only think local injury but DC's know to think central nervous system.
Just not all DC's teach how not to need no stinking bone cruncher any more so send in new cases.
Last I looked in my medical books Plantar means flatish bottom of foot not up on ankle. You might find some ease by pressing around upper calf muscles and down along side of calf mm's while stretching them upward. Some times I have to do that to get neck to release as everything is connected to everything else one way or another in us all. My advantage is I can ask the body where to work and what to do so don't have to hunt and peck like novices,
EXCEPT ON MY SELF as can't challenge my own reflects, so I'm stuck with just stretching neck and the minerals and wait for it to kick in.
Any who pretty cool getting a boo boo like me doing off the wall stuff just for the hell of it or lazy attitude.