G'day radiofun1, This might help you understand if you'r not quite getting it.
When you changed the main from 230-220 and things improved, what actually happened was ,..
You restricted the fuel flow enough to not allow the needle and needle jet to work fully and so
it did lean off your Mid range a bit, however if you could have got the bike to rev it would have been very lean up high.
That's why you need to refit a bigger main, to let plenty of fuel through, as needed, and start playing with the needle.
260 + Main I would think. Dont worry about the Main being too big at this stage, you won't even use the Main
Jet untill you are revving hard constantly. You can probably run without a Main, up to 3/4 throtle.
If you end up at one extreme, that is, top or bottom notch on the needle, you might need more coaching.
Hopefully the Needle Jet is big enough. # P4 or P6 I think... Others will know.
Write down what sizes you have got... Of everything inside the carb. Look in the back as well.