Sidecover decal font?

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Jul 31, 2009
I am trying to keep the "theme" but make a clone(ish) of a side cover decal, does anyone know what Font it is?

Unclviny said:
I am trying to keep the "theme" but make a clone(ish) of a side cover decal, does anyone know what Font it is?


Probably was designed before "fonts" existed - circa 1967.
I think he means does anyone know of a present-day font that matches the original lettering. I don't but maybe someone has experimented and found one that works.
Good luck, there's gotta be something out there close.

I found one that was real close about a year ago. I'll see if I can dredge up the name. It wasn't free, but not that expensive. I ended up scanning a decal and cleaning it up in PhotoShop. I've got the artwork for the 'Commando 750 'S' if you'd like it. It's in psd and jpg at about 5600 horizontal pixels in about 8".


edit: tipemite italic. It's $45.
I used to make these for a norton shop a long time ago, still have all the artwork, I am in the sign & graphic business & also design fonts for a living, that was not a standard Font & was designed specially for the Commando at the time. There are a lot of bad reproductions around, especially where the C is too far away from the rest of the word!
If you are trying to make a different word I can help, or cut it for you in a vinyl or reverse mask for spraying. John
My Artist already had the tank-script-font so we used that, this is for "Commando-bizarro" and will not be used on the sidecovers anyway (not running sidecovers made that decision easy).

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