shorai or ballistic for alton starter

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Dec 2, 2012
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Hi this comes from another thread I started MOST POWERFUL BATTERY it seems either a Shoria or Ballistic battery is what I am going to buy and hopefully when I can afford to I wish to fit the Alton starter an belt drive kit form Norvil. So what I would be gratefully for is for anyone who has the Alton starter or the Presstolite to tell me which battery (including model number) they have or have tried and their opinions of it good or bad has dew to the cost of them I would hate to buy the wrong one. Thanks
The Shorai 18AH works wonderfully with the Alton e-start. I don't know anything about the Ballistic so I can't offer any comparison. Go here for more info re the Shorai , including size/part numbers for the Commando:

I selected the Shorai because Old Britts recommends them and CNW uses them on their own bikes. When people I trust recommend a product that fits a specific application that I am interested in, I just quit researching/worrying and buy it. CNW/OB fit that particular niche for me so the Shorai was my immediate decision when I was trying to decide what batt to use for the Alton and I have been very pleased with it.
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