hershey said:
Hey All, I replaced the old amals on my mk-3 with new amals of the same type. I,am having problems with poor throttle response from the closed position to about 1/8 open. It is very noticeable when stopping at red lights and having to start out. I have to keep the revs high to keep from stalling. the bike idles fine and runs very well at cruise and at full throttle. I have adjusted the air jet to where the bike runs the best about 3/4 turn which is a very rich setting. If the choke is closed half way or a little better the bike runs fine at low speed and at take-off so I,am guessing it is a carb problem. The timming is at 28 degrees as per shop manual. The new carbs have the 230 main jets and the 106 needle jet. They have the 3 1/2 throttle valve.I have adjusted the needle to various settings with no difference made. I wanted to check the float level but the new carbs have the plastic floats that have no adjustment that I can see. Could it be not enough fuel in the bowls and if so what is the best way to check the floats and is there anyway to adjust the plastic floats. I have read various topics on the spray tube. Could that be the problem. The ones in the carbs are of the notched type. thanks Jack
Hi hershey
I think the float level is where you want to look first as a start. Do a search on Amal float level on this site. Check the “Technical Information & How To Post Photos” and look for info on Amals. That’s up top on the page for Norton Commando Classics. Your idle screws should be about one and a half turns out for starts. Get the bike to operating temperature. Stop the engine and take the air filter element out of the way. With bike not running put two 1/8 drills or something of similar diameter and place them under the slides of the carbs. Let them hang balanced and get on your throttle and slowly raise the slides. The two drills should droop simultaneously. If not adjust the top cup up or down which encapsulates the individual throttle cables. (The front lines) at the top of the carb. Once that is done check the WOT where the slides disappear above the opening and make sure they disappear together and come back into the window together. Use your fingers to feel their transition.
http://hitchcocks.sincordia.co.uk/mk1-c ... to-tune-up
Once this is set try riding the bike. If good then find a slight hill where you can open the bike up and do a WOT plug chop to figure out the mains. Read the links. You should be fine. I will also agree with concourse. Check for leaks but don’t over tighten the amals. Report back.