oil leak into the primary

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Feb 28, 2014
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I have had my primary open several times (dry primary) and found tablespoons
of oil in it. It always seems to Come from the 3 bolts which attach the
inner primary cover to the crankcase. I have tried sealing the threads with
a gasket sealer and it isn't working. What do others do to seal those bolt
threads and contain the oil in the crankcase?
Do you know if crankseal is not weeping? Mine failed by splitting in two after over pressure from wet sump startup.
Are you sure it's engine oil and not gearbox oil?
My seal has been changed three time in 6k. It leaks even though I have the Jim reed breather. I noticed it because I have a belt drive.
Last month I put on a speedy sleeve. Currently held in captivity so have tested it yet. Table spoon every 300-400 miles. PIA.
Ill be sure to report on situation when the slaves are set free.
....waiting on Abe Lincoln.
My seal has been changed three time in 6k. It leaks even though I have the Jim reed breather. I noticed it because I have a belt drive.
Last month I put on a speedy sleeve. Currently held in captivity so have tested it yet. Table spoon every 300-400 miles. PIA.
Ill be sure to report on situation when the slaves are set free.
....waiting on Abe Lincoln.
You can go to the shops and back on your bike
Just stick a rucksack on your back
I've never done so much shopping!
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I am positive that oil is not leaking from the crank seal or the transmission into the primary. The primary is apart and the indents where the
3 inner primary mounting bolts reside each have a small puddle of oil. The last time I had the primary apart I used gasket
sealer on the bolt threads. That gasket sealer had hardened and did not contain the crankcase oil. By the way, I do have
the COMNOZ reed sump breather. I have none of the usual oil leaks associated with crankcase pressure.
Again, what product do others use to seal the threads of these bolts? Thanks.
oil leak into the primary

Alternatively, you could loktite studs in place of the bolts, that cured the problem for me
I am positive that oil is not leaking from the crank seal or the transmission into the primary. The primary is apart and the indents where the
3 inner primary mounting bolts reside each have a small puddle of oil. The last time I had the primary apart I used gasket
sealer on the bolt threads. That gasket sealer had hardened and did not contain the crankcase oil. By the way, I do have
the COMNOZ reed sump breather. I have none of the usual oil leaks associated with crankcase pressure.
Again, what product do others use to seal the threads of these bolts? Thanks.
Hylomar works well as both a gasket and thread sealer
I just use blue Loctite on them and haven't seen any oil yet, but it's only been 300 miles since I went to belt drive. I'm sure they're sitting in sump oil bath now and will be disassembling for some clutch work soon, so I'll report back with a looksee.
Is this Hylomar anything like the Caterpillar liquid gasket Cat used to use? I used that to seal crankcases on HD's upon assembly. Never a seep forever.
Hylomar Blue is a tacky grease like substance. Never cures or hardens, as proof I can state my only tube of it must now be 30 yrs old and even to excess around the cap is just as tacky and unsolidified like what comes out the tip.

Im using it more than ever before since getting the Norton, ill need a new tube soon. I have the Permatex brand and I think it is no longer available from them.
I found a product on line called Permatex Seal n Lock 57535 and have ordered it.
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