norvil belt drive.....positioning the extra steel plate


Jan 3, 2021
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hello all,

after fiddling around with constant oil loss from my primary.....I decided to change for the belt drive version.
I installed the norvil set.....worked fine(....NO more oil marks on the ground :)), but a bit heavy at the clutch lever...
(the clutch assembly itself is barnett). So I opened the primary case yesterday....everything looked fine; except the stack hight, that seemed a bit low.
I managed to install an extra steel plate(mentioned also in the "extensive" norvil instruction...), as now, after "running in" the new clutch set, there is the exact room for this extra steel plate.
clutch lever action now is "sweet", 2-finger-operation :) (haven`t run the bike yet on the road)
my question:
positioning this extra steel plate.....does it matter to put it BEHIND all the other clutch plates....or does it work equally putting it directily under the endplate(i.e. mounting it the OUTSIDE way)?
I put it directly under the endplate yesterday just checking the effect on the clutch lever operation.... I leave it as such, or is it NECESSARY to put it BEHIND?

any suggestions apreciated,


Works that way in a RGM belt clutch with an aluminum pressure plate (endplate). It should also work under a steel pressure plate. Somebody will be along soon to verify it for a Norvil clutch. Well, if you consider forum advice verification that is. ;)