Norton Atlas Parts and stainless fasteners


Jul 26, 2005
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Any recommendations as to reputable suppliers of parts and stainless fasteners for the Atlas I am about to restore. Going to be be cafe style. I'm looking to replace every nut and bolt in stainless as well as the engine plates ( 8mm alloy)? Where I live in the Northeast USA moisture and rust is a real problem and i don't feel like doing this again in 5 years. Going to be expensive I know. Thanks
Cadmium plate will cost about $150 and last a lot longer than 5 years. Probably close to 20 years. Zinc will last half as long. I have seen poor-quality repro stainless rust faster than cadmium plate.
A word of caution regarding the use of stainless steel nuts & bolts -
Back in the early years of my career in the UK aviation industry, as a Development Engineer at WHL, I conducted a fatigue test to determine If stainless fasteners ( bolts AND nuts) could replace HS steel in a particular application. I duly assembled the test piece and completed the testing without failure. Upon dismantling the specimen however, I discovered that I could not unscrew the stainless nuts from the stainless bolts owing to the threads having welded themselves together! I had discovered for myself why one should not use stainless steel nuts with stainless steel bolts.
ARP thread sealer makes it possible to unscrew stainless steel nuts from stainless steel bolts when using stainless fasteners on a Norton engine. Although the bolts on a Norton engine are studs.

My '67 750 Norton engine has stainless nuts and studs for both the barrels and the head. It has been taken apart without issue 3 times when playing with the engine configuration using stainless fasteners. Just saying using stainless fasteners is possible and not something I would ever worry about. I keep my Norton clean though and I don't ride it on wet surfaces if I can help it or on rainy days. Nor do I wash it with a hose.
ARP thread sealer makes it possible to unscrew stainless steel nuts from stainless steel bolts when using stainless fasteners on a Norton engine. Although the bolts on a Norton engine are studs.

My '67 750 Norton engine has stainless nuts and studs for both the barrels and the head. It has been taken apart without issue 3 times when playing with the engine configuration using stainless fasteners. Just saying using stainless fasteners is possible and not something I would ever worry about. I keep my Norton clean though and I don't ride it on wet surfaces if I can help it or on rainy days. Nor do I wash it with a hose.
I hadn't thought of using any sealer on stainless threads.
The compound I use on steel fasteners is "Comma copper ease"
Galvanic corrosion yes, especially living near the coast as I do. All my bikes live in my house out of the salty mist. I have a good collection of Domi fasteners that were manufactured to a much higher standard of corrosion protection than later items. I use those in preference to stainless which are too shiny for my Commando.