noob - i'm back. test pic and update

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Feb 21, 2019
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hello all - been away from the forum for some time now. developed a bit of arthritis in my lower back, and haven't felt much like wrenchin' on the 74 roadster. one area I've had issues with is posting pics. seems like it hit or miss for some folks seeing my posted pics. anyway, trying a new image posting site. so here's a pic -

noob - i'm back.  test pic and update

anyone having trouble seeing this image?

status update - got most of the bike apart. engine and transmission still coupled to the frame - that's about as far as i'm tearing things down. gathering parts - Mk3 iso's and sorting out the amal carbs are in queue. hopefully I can start heading down the road to reassembly fairly soon.

joe c
I see it too.

You were using Google images before which seems to have been the problem as they would show for a while and then disappear.
I see your photo. Great looking bike!
(image) so far, so good.

I tried google images, but it seems that half the members here and half over on the brit bike forum couldn't see my photos. used the "postimage" site for the attached pic - seems to be working just fine. now, maybe I can get back and start pestering you good folks for information. i'm thinking my big headache area will be the dual carbs. not much experience....

everyone - thanks for the replies.
Very good looking bike ! , hope re-assembly goes well for you, Joe , lots of help and opinions here , enjoy the process ...
...i'm thinking my big headache area will be the dual carbs...

noob - i'm back.  test pic and update

No worries; you'll find plenty of help here. The biggest issues I've found with them are plugged idle jets from sitting too long, and worn slides messing with the idle. I'm converting back to the OEM twins soon, and will be adding hard anodized slides. If yours are working well now, be prepared that the iso-suspended engine beats the crap out of the slides, and you might want to consider changing them sooner than later.

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