I sent away for one.
The form you send in has blank lines. They fill out the blank lines.
If you want to know what kind of bike you have just look at the decals on your gas tank :mrgreen:
In my case (pre commando) I wanted to see if they could document that my 68 atlas was sold to Dunstall. They did that
The puzzle is where the dunstalls of that era all got engine swaps and they NEVER matched the roling chasssis #. This apparently was not the case for commando's... I knew that and it was also verified. Since it was (not a 67atlas ) but a 68 atlas it was no longer a legit "Dunstall" but back to a "Norton"-
sold by Dunstall. Which I already surmised.
However a NOC Certificate may only be mainly "fluff" if their DLVA will not accept the certificate for registration and dating service.
What good can it do you here in the USA?