Jan 16, 2015
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Hello , For those Norton 961 owners still interested in the oil in air box issue :
Norton Factory UK may have released a kit to resolve this issue . NOC UK member has this fitted and says it is working !
Go to the Norton Owners Club UK website for more details .
Go to ( Messages) then (Commando 961) you will find it there .
Interesting solution.
Involves disconnecting, and blocking off the valve cover breather.
Thanks for the heads up.
This is def. the easier of the fixes out there I know of. This fix involves a new rocker cover and gasket plus a check valve to work not just that part number of that interestingly shaped box listed. Plus some instructions to follow to swap some hoses and such...

So Glad to see it's working by an independent poster. So is this a warranty? or recall? or dependent on severity?
The mechanic at my dealer said there should be a check valve in there to keep that from happening, although I don't get much oil in the airbox. I keep the drain unplugged. Guess not. I'll mention this to him. Thanks. I'm there hopefully for the last time before the warranty runs out. I'd like all of these issues corrected while its there. Thanks.
Britfan60 said:
The mechanic at my dealer said there should be a check valve in there to keep that from happening, although I don't get much oil in the airbox. I keep the drain unplugged. Guess not. I'll mention this to him. Thanks. I'm there hopefully for the last time before the warranty runs out. I'd like all of these issues corrected while its there. Thanks.


Good luck at GC.
Let us know how the crankcase leak fix goes.
You know while the engine is out of the frame you could drop in a big bore kit and a 6-speed tranny. :lol:
Hi Guys,

We are currently awaiting parts delivery of the Oil Breather kits (had to invest in tooling to manufacture some of the parts) , but once they arrive I will post a full explanation of what the next step is. Please disregard the picture on NOC as it shows the part having been incorrectly fitted (albeit still appears to work for the gent in question). When we are ready to release the 'Oil Breather Kit' officially, you guys will be my first post.
Thank you Simon for this information. I am just wondering, why I do not get this kind of answers on my technical issues I asked your support for via PMs.
So should I be running to my dealership to tell them to hold off on cracking my crankcase open or is it, once that seal is blown, its blown? First the starter gasket went, but then the oil found its way out the crankcase seam after the starter gasket was resealed. Getting a vent kit from Richard.
Hello Britfan , I say install the Trans Vent and this Oil in air box fix first. ! Then determine if you need more work. I have told you that I used to get the small oil puddle under my starter when I drove my bike remember ? We have been asking you to do this for a long time now . That has all gone away with the vent. Now with the breather fix I will be golden .
The vent from Richard came today. Very well thought out design. Going to run that to the dealer and have it put on before the work commences. Thanks, Tony.
I have just received the One-07 spark plug wires and they are very nice too ! Pretty red wires...
Thank you guys!!

The vent will def. help with oil leaking anywhere out of the transmission or starter.

Looking forward to hearing how much of a difference changing the coils, wires and plugs make for you.
Simon I just purchased a 2016 commando 961 SF. I haven't seen any reply from you since your last post on this thread. Will this still be a issue on my new bike?
Thank you.

Is your 2016 SF a Mk II model?
I believe the Mk II models come with the valve cover breather mod.
That's why I asked you for pictures of both sides of your bike ! . Look at the red bike in the cat less exhaust thread. That's my bike with the oil air separator , look behind the cylinders you can see the black box with hoses just behind the barrels .
Voodooo said:
Simon I just purchased a 2016 commando 961 SF. I haven't seen any reply from you since your last post on this thread. Will this still be a issue on my new bike?
Thank you.

Hi Voodoo

Please PM me your VIN and i can check for you.


I've installed the 0ne-07 trans vent on my 2016 Sport MKII but I still get oil dripping from the airbox. I just keep a screw in the drain tubing and unscrew it every once in a while to let it drain. But this cannot be normal. I have never had a vehicle lose this much oil on a regular basis. Is the kit mentioned above the next step to take? What exactly does this kit do? And is it a simple install like the vent kit or something I have to find a dealer to do? Thanks