I have bought new headlight and main wiring harnesses for my '74 MkIIA from RGM to replace my melted original harness and I am looking for advice from those of you who have done this before. I have been looking at the bike (sitting in my warm dining room without tank and seat) for three months trying to decide just how to start the job. And since winter will soon be gone, I'd like to get the job done before riding weather arrives in Chicago. For me the harness replacement is somewhat complicated by the fact that I am color blind... So should I start at the headlight and work my way back to the tail light just unplugging the old harness and installing the new as I go or is there a better method or sequence to follow? I have a Boyer and a Podtronics R/R installed so I know I will need to do some minor changes to the harness to accommodate them as I did when I installed them years ago. Any insight that will get me going is greatly appreciated.