Multiple Bike Insurance


Apr 11, 2010
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I know some of you have multiple bikes and wondering how you handle your insurance? I've been informed by my insurance agent that 4 bikes is the limit on my policy.So bike #5 will need a separate policy it seems. My first idea is to drop the Commando from the policy and seek classic insurance separately for it .My other bikes are newer ranging from 2002-2007.Whats the best way of getting around this does anyone know?
I have 3 bikes per policy with Progressive, @ $25/bike/year for liability only. I've been keeping it to 3 actives per year for the last couple of years (can't afford to feed & clothe more than that with 2 kids)

The classic collectors insurers I think will do any number of bikes; like Grundy?

Do an advanced forum search, it's been covered...
I searched and found lots on insurance for the "one" machine but multiples of more than 3 are rare. Hagerty came up on a few threads as a recommendation so I'm goin to try them first.
Insurance and registration on bike or bikes in Australia is a rip off.
Here you have to register each bike seperatly and the registration has a third party personal insurance built into it which is compulsory.
Then to insure your bike for comprehensive or third party damage is seperate to registration.
This is for each bike, so it can cost easily over $1000 per year for 1 bike. (even though you can only ride 1 at a time)
There's some consessions like single seat rego (in some states) which nearly halves the rego for a bike as the third party personal (passanger) isn't there.

Mk3 is about $300 comprehensive insurance per year and dual seat rego is about $420 per year. Single seat rego is about $260 per year.

Sounds like your insurance companies are at least sensible about insurance.

I have used Condon & Skelly for mutiple classic cars and motorcycles. Declared value policy with no deductable, full coverage including a spare parts binder. Fortunately I never had a claim, but they are very reasonable. My Norton runs me $75 a year for everything possilble. I also have USAA for my other vehicles, great service and great prices.
I've had 4 antique bikes (which must be over 25 years old) on a policy from JC Taylor. You choose the amount of insurance you want and pay so much per $1000 of value. I think it is less than $150.
All looked well with Hagerty until they asked "How do you get around".I told them I have other bikes also either by subway or walking.They asked what car did I own and when I said none they said sorry we wont insure you. In frustration I went to Progressive and got full coverage for $315 for one year.The max on their policy is 4 bikes.But the trick (with Progressive and 5 bikes) is put 3 on one policy and 2 on another that way you get multiple bike discounts on both policies.
I am using JC Taylor for all the "classic" bike... I tell them the value (only had a problem with my RGS Lav, they only covered her for $4000), and the price is around $150.00 a year... they paid my totalled Commando in a week and gave it back to me!!