MK3 wet sump valve

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Oct 28, 2014
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inside the mk3 timing cover is a piston to shut off the oil from the oil tank. My current mk3 is still able to wet sump so is there a way to spruce up the valve or is it iffy no matter what?

Also, do new oil pumps help to slow the wet sumping?
On the left side of the page just above your name there's a little box that says "search this topic". Use that to search for information on wet sumping, you will find more information then you could possibly die just in one evening. Or you could do what most people do and have done for 45 years which is to ignore it and ride the bike more often so that it doesn't totally wet summer. Happy reading, Glenn T.S.
Definitely search.

I found my valve would occasionally stick; the spring is very light. I polished the valve a bit and it wet sumps no more. Well, it will after several months.
seattle##gs said:
inside the mk3 timing cover is a piston to shut off the oil from the oil tank. My current mk3 is still able to wet sump so is there a way to spruce up the valve or is it iffy no matter what?

Even with a fully working valve, oil can still potentially drain through the clearance between the oil pump shafts and body unless the pump is modified to take oil seals/O-rings (AMR shaft mod.).

seattle##gs said:
Also, do new oil pumps help to slow the wet sumping?

Probably, for a while, but have you serviced the old oil pump recently (to remove end float, see manual, Section C25)?
JimNH said:
Definitely search.

I found my valve would occasionally stick; the spring is very light. I polished the valve a bit and it wet sumps no more. Well, it will after several months.

Either this, or the AMR modification, which includes the valve and oil pump and absolutely stops wet-sumping, even months later.

The advice to "Ride It More Often" may be good if you don't have eight bikes in the shop to cycle through! Sometimes, depending on what rallies you're going to and what trips you are taking on the others, one bike may in fact sit for months while you are riding 4,000 miles on motorcycles ....

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