Maney system and Supertrapp discs

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Fast Eddie

Oct 4, 2013
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I've been looking at the Supertrapp 'kit' that Steve sold for his systems, basically a large lump of alloy, some discs and end caps.

It puts a lot of weight right out on the end of the system, which I feel will cause vibration, stress and possible fatigue.

So I got to looking more closely and think it can be greatly simplified.

Before I get stuck into this though, has anyone any experience of a Supertrapp equipped Maney (or similar) system? Do they quieten it much? Do they 'hurt' the power output? Any 'lessons learnt' to share?
Sorry for the reply delay. First off, I'll assume you have seen this forum thread.

Also, I'm not familiar with the Maney parts you mentioned, so I don't know what you mean by the large weighty lump. The SuperTrapp parts I am familiar with are pretty light.

My first experience with a SuperTrapp end disc setup was a quick attempt to get my Ducati 750 TT racer under the local vintage race group's new sound rule of 105 db. We welded a disc stack holder on to the end of the existing home made 2 into one race exhaust. We passed sound check, but with noticeably less h.p. and a sound we didn't much care for. Shortly after that they stopped doing sound checks, so we removed those parts.

The second experience was several years later with a Ducati 750 F1 based vintage racer built for my best friend (see photos). I built the chassis, another friend built the full race motor, and a third friend designed a 2 into one race exhaust system for Ducati Pantah 750 full on race engines in a F1 or TT style chassis, with a SuperTrapp disc end cap. He did a limited production run of these exhausts, and we used one on this bike. The last section before the end cap has a perforated inner tube with a thin layer of fiberglass packing. We used the competition discs, which are a little thinner than the street ones and must be ordered direct from SuperTrapp over the phone. We figured the SuperTrapp parts dropped only a couple of h.p.'s, but it still sounded pretty good and would be sound check legal.

So what I can pass along from these experiences is, if you want to use the SuperTrapp end cap and disc's to meet a race sound check and work good, is (in my case) have a smart engineer friend design a system from scratch based on your particular engine characteristics (cams, etc) to get the back pressures working correctly.
(I'm not sure I added these photos correctly)
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